First Published in 1868.
TAN Books and Publishers
Imprimatur, 1867
A Hymn to Jesus
Of Thanksgiving to Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament
1. Sweet Jesus, hid for love of me,
How shall I render thanks to Thee?
Ah! Would that my poor love could be
The half of that Thou'st shown for me!
2. What wondrous act is this of Thine,
To make Thyself so wholly mine?
My food, great God, Thou deign'st to be,
To show how well Thou lovest me!
3. Lord Jesus, come, I beg of Thee,
And with Thy grace, pray, strengthen me.
For Thee alone my heart doth beat
Ah! Make of it Thy mercy-seat.
4. E'en as the thirsty stag doth fly
To running brook, so, Lord, do I
With longing heart pant after Thee;
Then, come, sweet Jesus, come to me!
5. Ah! Hasten, Lord, make no delay!
Come, wed my heart this very day,
That thus united here below,
I may not fear eternal woe.
6. With steadfast faith I cling to Thee,
And press Thee, Lord, most tenderly
Unto my weak and sinful heart,
Well pleased to claim Thee as my part.
7. Now, Thou art mine and I am Thine!
Ah! Mortal words can ne'er define
My happiness thus close to be
United, dearest Lord, with Thee.
8. By day and night I'll sing Thy praise,
My voice in grateful anthems raise,
To thee, dear Shepherd of my soul,
Nor shrink beneath Thy meek control.
9. This passing life sufficeth not
To thank Thee for my happy lot,
So favor'd by Thy love to be
Ah! Lord, 'twill take eternity.
10. Had I a thousand lives to lay
In sacrifice each dawning day,
It would, most holy, gracious Lord,
Be for Thy love a poor reward.
11. I cannot love Thee as I should,
Nor even as my poor heart would.
For pardon, then, I humbly crave,
And beg Thee, still, my soul to save.
12. Lord Jesus Christ, for Thee I live,
Lord Jesus Christ, I beg Thee, give
Me grace to die thro' love of Thee,
And be Thine Own eternally!
Fr. Müller does not supply reference in re the composer or source of
the hymn.
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