First Published in 1868.
TAN Books and Publishers
Imprimatur, 1867
The Excuses of Those Who Do Not
Communicate Frequently
AFTER having heard of the great desire of Jesus Christ to
unite Himself to us in Holy Communion and the great benefit which we
reap from such a union, we might naturally expect to find men eager to
avail themselves of a means of grace so rich and so powerful. But our
greatest misery is that we are blind to our true happiness. Such is the
deceitfulness of sin and the subtlety of the devil that almost everyone
has some reason to give why he at least should not receive Communion
frequently, and thus all the arguments I have presented in favor of
frequent Communion are frequently set aside under the most silly and
frivolous pretexts. It will not be without utility to consider in
detail the reasons which are alleged for such strange conduct, and I
will therefore, Dear Reader, call up before you the various classes of
Catholics who do not often approach Holy Communion, and I will examine
the excuses which they give, that you may judge of their validity. I
will make the examination class by class.
Why do you not go often to Communion?
1st Excuse. Because I do not
receive the great graces you spoke of in the preceding chapter.
Answer. How do you know that
you do not receive them? Is it because you do not
them? But this is no certain proof that you do not really receive them.
If you were sick and had no relish for food, would the food on that
account cease to nourish you? Now it is the same with regard to the
Blessed Sacrament, the spiritual food of your soul. Consolations and
delights are graces which God bestows when and upon whom He thinks fit;
and if He often deprives His servants of them, it is to try them, to
keep the humble and to give them an opportunity of meriting greater
graces. As corporeal food nourishes you and makes you strong without
your perceiving it, so also does this heavenly food silently and
imperceptibly enrich your soul with grace. You cannot see a plant grow,
but you can see very well that it has grown; in like manner you do not
see your soul grow in the
spiritual life by receiving Holy Communion, yet experience shows you
that it really does grow. You now live in the fear of God; you have not
committed a mortal sin for years, perhaps not even in your whole life.
You do not grow lukewarm in the practice of virtue; you fulfill your
duties faithfully. Are not all these great graces and favors? And are
they not all the admirable effects of Holy Communion? Is not the remedy
that protects us from disease better than one that restores us to
health? But let us suppose the truth of what you allege. I ask you why
do you not receive great fruit from this Sacrament? Do you prepare
yourself sufficiently? Do you not approach the altar negligently? Do
you consider beforehand what you are about to do; and afterwards, do
you reflect sufficiently on what you have done? Or do you commit venial
sins willfully and with full deliberation? Are not these the reasons
why you fail to derive from the reception of this Sacrament that profit
which others draw from it? If so, you must ascribe the fault to
yourself that Holy Communion does not produce in you all the fruit it
Why do you not receive Holy Communion frequently?
2nd Excuse. I fear to lose my
reverence for it: the proverb says: "Familiarity begets contempt."
Answer. I admit the proverb is
true in regard to men, but not in regard to God. The more familiar you
become with men, the more faults and defects you discover in them, and
on this account you will feel less respect for them; but this is not
the case in regard to God. The more intimate you become with Him and
the oftener you approach Him, the better you become acquainted with
Him, the more perfections you will discover in Him, and the more you
will love Him. Is it not a blasphemy to say that conversing with God
makes man worse and more wicked and that, in order to be a Saint, one
must withdraw from Him? Can the most perfect exercise of religion
derogate from the respect which we owe to this
Sacrament? When do you make acts of faith, hope, love, adoration and
humility if not after Communion? The Church prescribed daily Communion
in the first ages of Christianity, and she now strongly recommends it
by the Council of Trent. Can the Holy Church recommend or advise
anything sinful?
Why do you communicate so seldom?
3rd Excuse. Because I
fear to receive Holy Communion unworthily.
Answer. I suppose you mean by
this that you do not know for certain that you are in the state of
grace. It is true we are required to be in the state of grace, but we
are not required to have any greater certainty of it than that which is
ordinarily given to good Christians. Will you wait till an Angel comes
down from Heaven to tell you that you are in the state of grace? Do you
not know that you can place far more reliance on the assurance of your
confessor than in that of an Angel? If an Angel should appear to you,
you might have some reason to fear that it was the devil come to
deceive you; but you know that in listening to your confessor you have
the promise of Christ that you shall not be led astray. Hence, St.
Alphonsus says: "Place more confidence in the minister of God than in
the revelations of all the Angels of Paradise." He adds, moreover, that
there is no species of disobedience more hurtful than to omit a
Communion prescribed by one's confessor, because such disobedience
proceeds from a want of humility. Therefore, when you have the
permission of your director, go forward with confidence. No one goes
tremblingly to a feast, but cheerfully and joyfully. The Son of God
does not appear on our altars under the appearance of bread in order to
be regarded with fear, but to be approached with love and desire.
Besides, if you fear to approach this Sacrament, do you not also fear
to stay away from it? The Son of God declares in the parable of the
great supper that the guests who declined their lord's invitation were
entirely excluded from his friendship, even though their excuses for
staying away had some plausibility. Should not this example cause you
to fear?
Why do you not communicate often?
4th Excuse. I wish indeed to
do so and trust that I am in the state of grace, but I am so much
afraid of committing a sacrilege.
Answer. One never commits a
sacrilege without intending it. This is but a deceit of the devil. Oh
execrable malice! He seduced our first parents by the promise of a
happy life to eat of that fruit which brought death into the world, and
now he makes every effort to prevent Christians from eating the true
Bread of Life by inspiring the fear that it may prove the cause of
eternal death!
Why do you not communicate often?
5th Excuse. Because I commit
so many faults, that it would seem like presumption to receive Holy
Communion often.
Answer. It is no presumption
for one who has many imperfections and defects to go often to
Communion. Nay, it is not presumptuous to go, even though one commits
many faults, provided they are not altogether willful and deliberate.
Do you think you will commit fewer faults by staying away from
Communion? Can you avoid sin without God's grace? And how will you
obtain His grace if not from this Sacrament? I would rather advise you
to go often because you are so imperfect, for the longer you stay away,
the more imperfect you will become. The Church teaches that the Holy
Eucharist is food and medicine at the same time; food for the healthy
and medicine for the sick. Hence a holy Dominican nun used to say: "For
my part, being sensible of my unworthiness, I would wish to communicate
three times a day, for by more frequent Communion I should hope to
render myself more worthy." Did not the Son of God answer to the
Pharisees who were scandalized at seeing Him eat with sinners: "They
who are in health need not a physician, but they that are sick." You
say, "I am not worthy," thinking perhaps that such a sentiment proceeds
from humility; but you ought to know that generally it shows greater
humility to receive frequently than to receive seldom, because one who
receives frequently, by applying so often a remedy to his sickness,
acknowledges his infirmities. If indeed your abstaining from Holy
Communion really proceeds from humility, it is not displeasing to God,
but it would be a thousand times more acceptable to Him if you would
join confidence to your humility. Fear is good, but love is far better.

The Vision of St. Frances of Rome
c. 1615
One day when St. Frances of Rome was going to receive Communion, the
devil said to her: "How can you, who are so full of venial sins, dare
to receive the Immaculate Lamb!" She instantly perceived that the enemy
intended to deprive
her of so great a joy, and silenced him by spitting in his face. After
this the Blessed Virgin appeared to her, and having praised her
conduct, she said that our defects,
instead of being an obstacle, should be an incentive to Communion,
since in Communion we find the remedy for all our miseries.
Why do you communicate so seldom?
6th Excuse. Because I am not
holy enough to receive Holy Communion worthily.
Answer. If you mean that, in
order to receive Holy Communion worthily,
it is required to have a holiness equal to His Whom you receive, then
not even the Blessed Virgin was worthy. If you mean that it is
necessary to have a purity without spot, then the Apostles were
unworthy, because even they had imperfections and defects; and much
more so were the first Christians, and yet they communicated daily. If
you mean only that it is required to make a suitable preparation, the
Church declares that the necessary preparation consists in not having
knowingly a mortal sin on your conscience which you have not confessed,
although indeed she advises and exhorts her children to a better and
more perfect preparation, namely, to endeavor to avoid venial sins and
strive earnestly to correct their faults. What is it, then, that keeps
you back from Holy Communion? Do not fancy that the Son of God requires
as a preparation for the reception of a Sacrament what is properly its
fruit, effect and end, any more than a physician requires a sick person
to be healthy as a preparation for taking medicine. Holiness and purity
of soul are the effects of this Sacrament, according to the declaration
of the Council of Trent; is it not then folly and injustice to demand
them as a necessary preparation for its reception? Tell me, if those
virtues were required, who could ever communicate, even at Easter?
Why do you stay away from Holy Communion?
7th Excuse. Alas! I have
offended God so often and grievously in my past life that I dare not go
often to communicate.
Answer. Have you offended Him
more deeply than St. Augustine? Have you committed more sins than St.
Margaret of Cortona did before her conversion? And do you not remember
that Our Lord one day told this Saint that He would give her confessor
a great reward for having advised her to go often to Communion? Or have
you forgotten that He said to the venerable Prudentiana Zagnoni: "If
you receive Me frequently in Holy Communion, I will forget all your
ingratitude"? Remember that it was for the sake of sinners that the Son
of God came down from Heaven. If you are truly sorry for your sins, if
you have sincerely confessed them all, if you are firmly resolved not
to sin anymore, then you have even a special right and claim to go to
Communion. Our Lord said: "I am not come to call the just, but sinners
to penance."
Why do you not go oftener to Communion?
8th Excuse. I fear that it may
come to be a mere custom.
Answer. A good custom is a
good thing. Ought you to give up hearing Mass daily from fear of
becoming used to it? Or omit your daily prayers from an apprehension of
praying through custom?
Why do you not go often to Communion?
9th Excuse. Because when I do
go, I am so cold, distracted and indevout.
Answer. There is a great
difference between devotion and the feeling of devotion. One may have
much devotion without feeling it at all. Sensible devotion is not
always the best, for it is liable to many illusions. Besides this, it
does not always depend upon us. God grants it to whom He pleases. If
sensible devotion were required, most undoubtedly those who have it not
would not be allowed to receive Holy Communion even at Easter. If you
feel no devotion, humble yourself before God, but do not stay away from
Him. The devotion which is necessary for receiving Holy Communion
consists in approaching your Lord with humility, confidence and love;
with a desire to honor Jesus Christ, to unite yourself to Him and to
obey Him. You say: "I am so cold," but tell me, will you become warm by
staying away from the fire? Would it not be wiser to go to Communion in
order to become devout? Do you not know that Holy Communion is a fire
which enkindles love, devotion and spiritual joy in the heart? Is it
not true that the less frequently you receive, the less desire you have
to receive, and that the oftener you receive, the more you will wish to
Why do you not receive Communion more frequently?
10th Excuse. Because it seems
to me that I feel more devotion when I receive but seldom.
Answer. That may be true,
although it is not the general experience; however, it will always be
true that if you communicate seldom, your soul will lack grace and
fervor. One who kept a continual fast would become very weak and
attenuated, although he might take his scanty food with the keenest
Why do you not receive Holy Communion frequently?
11th Excuse. My confessor does
not allow me.
Answer. If this is really the
case, you must obey
supply as well as you can the want of the Holy Sacrament by multiplying
spiritual Communions. Say to Jesus Christ: "Lord, I would receive Thee
more frequently if I were not prevented by obedience," and He will be
pleased with your obedience and your desire for Holy Communion. But are
you certain that your confessor is not inclined to allow you frequent
Communion? Do you often ask leave to communicate more frequently? This,
at least, is in your power, and it is very useful and by no means
opposed to the perfection of obedience. Your confessor knows that, to
produce great fruit, this Divine food must be eaten with hunger, and as
long as you show but little eagerness for the Holy Sacrament, he will
not advise or permit you to communicate often. But perhaps you have
asked for it several times, and he has not granted your request. Well,
how did you ask? Did you
imitate St. Catherine of Siena, who when deprived of Communion by her
confessor, exclaimed: "Father, give my soul its food!" Had you, like
her, manifested with humility and resignation this holy hunger, your
confessor would have treated you very differently; but because you
appear cold and not unwilling to be repulsed from Communion, he
prudently abstains from advising you to receive it very often.
Why do you receive Holy Communion so infrequently?
12th Excuse. I have not time
to prepare myself as I ought.
Answer. How much time do you
need for preparation? Must you spend the whole morning in prayer or in
reading pious books? St. Teresa received Communion every day for
twenty-three years; do you think she had nothing else to attend to? I
think she was more busy than you will ever be. The first Christians
went daily to Communion; do you imagine their occupations were of less
consequence than yours, or their family affairs less troublesome? Shall
I tell you the reason why the Saints and first Christians were able to
prepare themselves for daily to Communion? They were more fervent than
the Christians of the present day and had a greater love for Jesus
Christ. If you foresee that you will not have time in the morning to
prepare for Communion, endeavor the preceding evening to make some
preparation by reading some pious book and making the acts which ought
to be made in the morning; or rise a little before the usual time, and
spend whatever time may be at your disposal in preparing yourself as
well as you can; or endeavor to perform the duties of your state with a
view to please God, and you may rest assured that this will be an
excellent preparation for your Communion. St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi
used to say to her sisters in religion: "Offer to God all your actions
as a preparation for Communion; perform them with the intention of
pleasing Him, and communicate."
Why do you not communicate often?
13th Excuse. I abstain in
order to avoid the remarks of others.
Answer. If you communicate by
the advice of your confessor and through a desire of correcting your
faults and advancing in Divine love, you need not be disturbed at what
others may say about you. Father Avila used to say that they who
censured their neighbors for receiving Communion frequently perform the
office of the devil. Why, then, should you pay attention to such
people? If it be wrong to listen to the devil, is it right to listen to
his agents? Do you not know that everything good must meet with
contradiction? Let people say what they please; at the Day of Judgment
they will find out their mistake, and then they will despise you for
having listened to them.
Why do you communicate so seldom?
14th Excuse. Because the
Church does not command me to receive oftener than once a year, and in
obeying her I cannot go astray.
Answer. If the Church
commanded you to eat meat or drink wine only once in the year, would
you be so exact in keeping to the letter of the law? The Church
requires us to abstain from flesh-meat on Fridays and to fast during
Lent and at certain other seasons; do you never, for a slight cause,
seek exemption from this precept? How is it that for the most part
those who are such literal interpreters of the law of Easter Communion
are so lax in the observance of the law of fasting? How is it that they
who find one Communion a year just enough generally complain of one
Lent a year as a great deal too much? Ah! I fear that faith and
reverence for the Church have but little share in this excuse and that
the real reason of your urging this precept is the earthliness and
sordidness of your affections. Your desires are low and groveling; you
have more relish for the food of the body than for the food of the
soul. With the Israelites in the desert, you prefer the good things, of
Egypt to the Manna that comes from Heaven; and your taste is so
corrupted by the impure pleasures of the world, that you can find no
delight in the sweet fountains that flow from the Saviour's side.
Believe me, this is no good sign; it is a sign of great danger; for as
the Royal Prophet has said, "Behold, they that go far from God shall
perish." But I have another remark to make on your excuse.
You have not represented the precept of the Church quite exactly. You
have left out an important word. The Church says that her children must
receive Holy Communion "at least once a year." I will tell you: In
former times Christians were accustomed to communicate every day, and
then their lives were holy and edifying and chaste and humble; and
infidels and heretics, struck by the purity of their manners, were
converted in crowds to the Faith. But in after ages, luxury crept in,
and the world and the flesh had sway, and too many grew cold in love
and lost their relish for this heavenly food.
And now what can the Church do to cure the evil? If she were to make it
to receive Holy Communion frequently, she would run the risk of
multiplying mortal sins and of plunging her imperfect members more
deeply into guilt. She uses, therefore, a wise and loving moderation,
and as a tender mother, when every other expedient fails, speaks
sternly to her sick child and forces it to take the food or medicine
which is absolutely necessary to life
-----she enjoins,
under pain of mortal sin, a single Communion in the year, as the least
which can be required of a Christian!
But is this all that she wishes us to do? Oh no! She desires that we
should continually nourish ourselves with the Bread of Life. In the
Council of Trent she bewails the disuse of daily Communion and
earnestly exhorts all the faithful to a frequent use of this
sanctifying food. Since then you insist so much on obedience to the
Church, show the spirit of an obedient child, and fulfill her ardent
wish. It is true you will not fall under her censures if you receive
but once a year, but you will be a much better Christian if you receive
more frequently.
Why do you communicate so seldom?
15th Excuse. I do not see any
necessity for it! There are many others who do not receive oftener than
I do
-----that is, once or twice a year
yet they are good Christians; yea, as good as those who receive very
Answer. I will not dispute
your assertion. No one knows the heart of another, and I rather wish
that you should form as charitable a judgment as you can of your
neighbors who do not receive often. Neither will I say of all those who
go often to Communion that they are exactly what they ought to be. But
scarcely anyone will affirm that persons who communicate but once or
twice a year are, generally speaking, as exemplary in their conduct as
those who communicate frequently.
Point out to me those whom you consider the most pious; who live in the
world without following its manners or adopting its principles; who,
when adversity overtakes them, are calm and resigned to the will of
God, and when it overtakes their neighbor, are ready for every act of
charity; who are meek and kind, rich in good works and fond of prayer;
who are constant in their attendance at Mass, diligent in seeking
spiritual instruction, faithful in their duties and edifying in their
-----and I will show you these same persons
regularly at the altar every month, fortnight, or week; yes, even
oftener. Grant that among these frequent communicants there is but one
who lives a truly devout life, still you have sufficient evidence of
the fruit of this Sacrament, for you know that no one can live holily
without the grace of God and that this Sacrament was instituted to
impart grace to us in an abundant measure. "I am come that they may
have life, and may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)
But after all, is this the proper way to reason? Do not ask whether
others are good Christians, but whether you yourself are. You know a
good Christian means something more than one who does not rob or commit
murder or such like crimes. A good Christian means a person who
endeavors to keep his heart pure in the sight of God and to overcome
pride, envy, avarice, unchasteness and gluttony, to which his lower
nature is so prone. Now, do you find within you no sting of the flesh,
no movements of hatred or desires of revenge, no rebellion of pride?
Palladius tells the story of a young man who, after endeavoring for a
long time to corrupt a virtuous married woman, and finding her chastity
proof against all his assaults, sought to revenge himself upon her
through the intervention of the devil. By the permission of God, the
evil one caused her to assume the appearance of a wild beast, and her
husband, greatly distressed at so horrible a transformation, took her
to St. Macarius, that by his prayers and blessing she might be
delivered from the malice of the devil. The Saint easily effected this
by his power with God; and after the good woman was restored to her
natural appearance, he gave her this advice: "In future go more often
to Communion than you have hitherto done, for know that the reason why
God permitted you to appear in such a form is your negligence in not
having received Communion for five successive weeks. So it has been
revealed to me from on high. Remember it and take it to heart."
Five weeks! And you stay away for five months; yea, for an entire year,
and find no necessity for receiving more often? And do you think the
devil has been idle and that no hideous transformation has taken place
in your soul in the eyes of the Angels? Has not your soul become a sow
in impurity, or a tiger in rage, or a viper in treachery, or a filthy
creeping worm in its low and groveling affections?
I leave it to yourself to answer. God grant that it may not be so. I
know that it is the testimony and experience of the Saints that with
all their efforts and continual use of the Sacraments they found it a
hard thing to keep their hearts clean; and if for a short time they
were prevented from receiving the Bread of Heaven, their hearts became
withered and dry, and they exclaimed: "I am smitten as grass, and my
heart is withered because I forgot to eat my Bread." (Ps. 101:5) I also
know that Holy Scripture says: "They that go far from Thee shall
perish." (Ps. 72:27)
And now, Dear Reader, I think you have come to the same conclusion,
that there is no valid excuse for not communicating frequently and
that, for the most part, they who give these excuses are influenced by
a secret unwillingness to lead a Christian life in good earnest. They
are unwilling to practice retirement, detachment from creatures and
self-denial. They stay away from Communion as long as they can in order
to avoid the rebuke of Jesus Christ for their sensuality, pride,
vanity, uncharitableness and sloth. Miserable are the consequences of
such a course of conduct. Not being able to find true peace of heart in
religion, such men seek their consolation in exterior things and
multiply faults and imperfections in proportion as they withdraw from
God. And what is most lamentable is that not infrequently their venial
sins lead them into mortal sins and they live in such a state for
months, remaining in constant danger of being overtaken by a sudden and
unprovided death, the just punishment of their ingratitude and
indifference towards Jesus Christ.
I have saId "for the most part," for I know there are cases in which
reluctance to receive this Sacrament proceeds from a vain fear of
irreverence, inspired by the teaching of misguided men. I have said
enough already to show the groundlessness of such a fear and its
injuriousness to God; would that I could sufficiently express its
hurtfulness to souls.
St. Vincent de Paul, when speaking of this subject, used to relate the
following story: A noble and pious lady who had long been in the habit
of communicating several times a week, was so unhappy as to choose for
her confessor a priest who was imbued with the principles of the
Jansenistic heresy. Her new director at first allowed her to go to Holy
Communion once a week; but, after a while, he would not permit her to
go oftener than once a fortnight; and at last he limited her to once a
month. The lady went on in this way for eight months, when wishing to
know the state of her soul, she made a careful self-examination; but,
alas! she found her heart so full of irregular appetites, passions and
imperfections that she was actually afraid of herself. Horror-struck at
her deterioration, she exclaimed: "Miserable creature that I am! How
deeply have I fallen! How wretchedly am I living! Where will all this
end? What is the cause of this lamentable state of mine? I see! I see!
It is for no other reason than for my having followed these new
teachers and for having abandoned the practice of frequent Communion."
Then, giving thanks to God, Who had enlightened her to see her error,
she renounced her false guide and resumed her former practice. Soon
after, she was enabled to get the better of her faults and passions,
and to regain tranquility of heart. Oh how effectually do such men
perform the work of the devil! The great adversary of mankind has
nothing so much at heart as to keep men back from the means of grace,
especially the Blessed Eucharist. In his warfare against the faithful,
he acts as the nations bordering upon Abyssinia are said to do in their
conflicts with the inhabitants of that country. The Abyssinians are
known to observe a strict fast of forty days at a certain period of the
year, and it is the cruel custom of their enemies to wait until they
are weakened by this long abstinence, and then to rush upon them and
gain an easy victory.
Thus I say it is with the devil: a forty days' fast from the Blessed
Sacrament is a rich conquest for him. It is his greatest delight to
keep men away from the altar. Every excuse for staying away from Holy
Communion is legitimate in his eyes; every doctrine which teaches that
it is useless or hurtful to frequent the Holy Eucharist is stamped with
his approval; every taunt with which a tepid Catholic upbraids his more
fervent brother for nourishing his soul often with the Bread of Life is
music in his ears. And he is in the right, for let men but once be
persuaded to deprive themselves of the strengthening Body of Jesus
Christ, and the work of Satan is no longer difficult. When the soul is
weak in grace, by reason of long abstinence from the Flesh of Jesus
Christ, then the evil one comes down upon it with his strong
temptations and almost without resistance makes it his slave.
Once more, those who discountenance frequent Communion do the devil's
work. They give Hell much pleasure and deprive Our Lord of great
delight. It is on this account that Our Lord so often visits with
severe punishments those who dissuade others from receiving Him. A
woman who mocked St. Catherine of Siena for going so often to Holy
Communion, on her return home, fell down to the ground and died
instantly without being able to receive the last Sacraments. Another
woman, who had committed the same offense, became crazy all at once.
Nay, even where the fault was much slighter, God has shown His
displeasure. St. Lutgaard was in the habit of receiving Holy Communion
very often, but her superioress, disapproving, forbade her doing so in
the future. The Saint obeyed, but at that very moment her superioress
fell sick and had to suffer the most acute pains. At last, suspecting
that her sickness was a punishment for having interdicted frequent
Communion to Lutgaard, she withdrew the prohibition, when lo, her pains
immediately left her, and she began to feel better!
Come then, O Christian, to the heavenly Banquet which your Divine
Saviour has prepared for you. "All things are ready." Jesus Christ
desires to unite Himself to you. "Behold," He says, "I stand at the
door and knock. Open to Me, My Sister, My beloved, My dove, My
undefiled; for My head is full of dew, and My locks of the drops of the
night." He has waited for you through a long night of sin, and now that
He has restored you to the state of grace by the Sacrament of Penance,
He wishes to take up His abode in your heart and to enrich you with His
graces. Let no temptation whatever keep you from so great a Good.
With St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi say, "I would rather die than omit a
Communion permitted by obedience." As often as your director advises
you, go forward to receive your Lord with confidence and simplicity of
heart, and reply to those who blame you for communicating so often as
St. Francis de Sales advises you to do: "If," says he, "they ask you
why you communicate so often, tell them that two classes of persons
should communicate frequently: the perfect to persevere in perfection,
and the imperfect to attain perfection; the strong not to become weak,
and the weak to grow strong; the sick to be cured, and the healthy to
prevent sickness.
"And as to yourself, tell them that because you are imperfect, weak and
infirm, you stand in need of Communion." (
Introduction to the Devout Life,
c. 21). Tell them you wish to become patient, and therefore you must
receive your patient Saviour; that you wish to become meek, and
therefore you must receive your meek Saviour; that you wish to love
contempt, and therefore you must receive your despised Saviour; that
you wish to love crosses, and therefore you must receive your suffering
Saviour; that you wish to love poverty, and therefore you must receive
your poor Saviour; that you wish to become strong against the
temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil, and therefore you
stand in need of your comforting and strengthening Saviour. Tell them
He has said: "He that eateth My Flesh shall live by Me." I wish to
live, and therefore I receive Jesus, my life, "that He may live in me
and I in Him!"
He in Whose words you put your trust, will justify you; your soul will
continually grow stronger in virtue; your heart will become more and
more pure; your passions will become weaker; your faith more lively;
your hope more firm; your charity more ardent; you will receive grace
to live in the world as an heir of Heaven; and when at your last hour,
the priest comes to administer the Holy Viaticum, you will be able to
say with St. Teresa: "My Lord and my Bridegroom, so then the hour is
come at last for which my heart has longed so much. Now is the time
that we shall see each other face to face. Blessed be this hour! Thy
will be done! O happy hour in which my exile has an end and my soul
takes its flight to Thee for Whom it has longed so much!"
[NOTE: This chapter expresses the traditional and profoundly
Catholic approach to frequent Holy Communion, with the constant
understanding that the author is referring to worthy Communion, or
Communion received in the State of Grace. This stands in absolute
contrast to the currently prevalent abomination of Holy Communion being
received by everyone at Mass, without regard to whether the recipient
is in the State of Grace, whether he believes in the Real Presence (and
all other Catholic doctrines), or whether he is even a Catholic. To
receive Holy Communion under any of these conditions is a mortal sin of
sacrilege. To receive Holy Communion worthily, a Catholic in the state
of mortal sin must first confess all his mortal sins to a priest in
Confession and be absolved of them, after which Our Lord will be
pleased to come once again into his heart in Holy Communion. The
following chapter treats the mortal sin of sacrilegious Communion in
detail and with great power. -----Publisher,
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