![]() NOVENA TO THE MOST HOLY TRINITY In Order to Obtain Graces Through the Intercession of St. Therese of the Child Jesus O Eternal Father, Who art in Heaven, where Thou dost crown the merits of those who in this life serve Thee faithfully, for the sake of the most pure love Thy little daughter Therese of the Child Jesus had for Thee, so as all but to bind Thee to give her whatever she desires, seeing that while on earth she always did Thy Will, incline Thine ears to the petitions which she offers up to Thee on my behalf, and hear too my prayers by granting me the grace I ask. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be O Eternal Son of God, Thou Who has promised to reward the least service done to Thee in the person of our neighbor, cast a glance of gentle love on Thy little spouse Therese of the Child Jesus, who with such great zeal had ever at heart the salvation of souls, and for the sake of all she has done and suffered, lend a willing ear to her wish of "spending her time in Heaven doing good upon earth," and grant me the grace I plead for so earnestly from Thee. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be O Eternal Holy Spirit, Who didst make perfect with so many graces, the beloved soul of Blessed Therese of the Child Jesus, I beseech Thee for the sake of the fidelity she showed in ever corresponding with Thy graces, to incline Thine ear to the prayers she offers to Thee on my behalf, and having before Thee her promise of "letting fall from Heaven a shower of roses," mercifully grant me the grace of which I stand in such great need. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be CONCLUDING PRAYER TO BE SAID EACH DAY OF THE NOVENA St. Therese of the Child Jesus who during thy short life on earth became a mirror of angelic purity, of love strong as death, and of whole-hearted abandonment to God, now that thou rejoicest in the reward of thy virtues cast a glance of pity on me as I leave all things in thy hands. Make my troubles thine own --- speak a word for me to our Lady Immaculate, whose flower of special love thou wert --- to that Queen of Heaven "Who smiled on thee at the dawn of life." Beg her, as Queen of the Heart of Jesus, to obtain for me by her powerful intercession, the grace I yearn for so ardently at this moment, and that she join with it a blessing that may strengthen me during life, defend me at the hour of death, and lead me straight on to a happy eternity. Amen. ![]() ![]() HOME-------------------------------SAINTS www.catholictradition.org/Lisieux/therese-novena3.htm |