
O Father in Heaven, Who through St. Therese of the Child Jesus dost
desire to remind the world of the merciful love that fills Thy heart,
and of the childlike trust that we should have in Thee, we thank Thee
for having crowned with so great glory Thine ever faithful child, and
for giving her such wondrous power to bring unto Thee day by day a
multitude of souls who will bless Thee eternally.
Little St. Therese, remember thy promise to do good on earth; shower
down abundantly thy roses on those who invoke thee, and obtain for us
from God the graces we hope for from His infinite goodness.
O Eternal Father we offer Thee the Precious' Blood of Jesus in
thanksgiving for all the graces Thou hast bestowed on Thy beloved
child, Little Therese. We thank Thee for ever preserving the baptismal
innocence of her pure soul and for sweetly calling her, a tender child,
to the cloister of Carmel; we thank Thee for the grace with which Thou
didst flood her soul with heavenly light and inflame her heart with
burning love of Thee. We thank Thee for the grace with whi<;h Thou
didst make her humble and meek, kind and patient and ever resigned to
Thy holy Will. We thank Thee for the grace with which Thou didst make
her victorious in her temptations against Faith that beset her soul
during the last years of her life and plunged her into a sea of
We offer the Precious Blood of Jesus a thousand times to Thee, O
Heavenly Father, for these and all the graces that made St. Therese of
the Child Jesus so beautiful in Thy sight and so lovable to our hearts.
O grant us the grace to imitate her whom we love, to be pure and humble
and meek and resigned to Thy holy Will; to be Thy devoted children, O
Heavenly Father, and worthy brothers and sisters of Thy beloved child,
Little Therese of the Child Jesus.
May God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Ghost be ever
glorified through thee. St. Therese of the Child Jesus. Amen.

"Unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not
enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. xviii. 3).
O Eternal Father, Thine Only-Begotten Son, the dear Child Jesus,
to me since Thou hast given Him. I offer Thee the infinite merits of
His Divine Childhood, and I beseech Thee in His Name to open the gates
of Heaven to a countless host of little children who will forever
follow this Divine Lamb.
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