![]() VIEW A RAPHAEL PAINTING ![]() NOTE: The Feasts of Our Lady are HERE. SAINTS OF JANUARY-------SAINTS OF FEBRUARY-------SAINTS OF MARCH SAINTS OF APRIL-------SAINTS OF MAY-------SAINTS OF JUNE SAINTS OF JULY--------SAINTS OF AUGUST--------SAINTS OF SEPTEMBER SAINTS OF OCTOBER--------SAINTS OF NOVEMBER--------SAINTS OF DECEMBER SAINTS OF JANUARY St. Basil--------January 2 [New] Traditional June 4 St. Gregory Nazianzen--------January 2 St. Marcarius--------January 2 St. Genevieve----------January 3 St. Dafrosa--------January 4 St. Elizabeth Seton-----------January 4 St. John Neumann---------------January 5 [New] St. Telesphorus--------January 5 Sts. Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar--------January 6 Blessed Andre Bessette--------January 6 St. Lucian--------January 7 St. Appolinaris--------January 8 St. Julian of Antioch--------January 9 St. Peter of Sebaste--------January 9 St. Nicanor--------January 10 St. William--------January 10 St. Hyginus--------January 11 St. Aelred--------January 12 St. Benedict Biscop--------January 12 St. Marguerite Bourgeoys----------January 12 St. Felix--------January 14 St. Hilary of Poitiers--------------January 14 St. Malachias--------January 14 St. Paul the Hermit--------January 15 St. Maurus, Abbot--------January 15 St. Marcellus--------January 16 The Five Franciscan Protomartyrs--------January 16 St. Sulpice-----------January 17 St. Anthony, Abbot--------January 17 St. Prisca--------January 18 Feast of the Chair of St. Peter of Rome--------January 18 Sts. Marius, Martha and Sons, Martyrs,--------January 19 St. Canute, King and Martyr--------January 19 St. Fabian, Martyr--------January 20 St. Sebastian, Martyr-----------January 20 St. Agnes, Martyr------------January 21 St. Anastasius, Martyr--------January 22 St. Vincent of Saragozza, Martyr------------January 22 St. Emerentiana--------January 23 St. Raymond of Pennafort--------January 23 St. Emerentiana, Martyr--------January 23 St. Tomothy, Martyr--------January 24 Coversion of St. Paul--------January 25 St. Paula--------January 26 St. Polycarp, Martyr--------January 26 St. John Chrysostom--------January 27 St. Peter Nolasco--------January 28 St. Thomas Aquinas------------January 28 [New] Traditional March 7 St. Agnes, Martyr,------------January 28 St. Francis de Sales----------------January 29 St. Martina, Martyr--------January 30 St. Mutien-Marie Wiaux--------January 30 St. John Bosco--------January 31 Top of the Page SAINTS OF FEBRUARY Cialis ist ein beliebtes Medikament, das zur Behandlung von erektiler Dysfunktion verwendet wird. Es ist ein verschreibungspflichtiges Medikament, das von Ärzten verschrieben wird, um Männern bei der Behandlung von erektiler Dysfunktion zu helfen. Während Feiertage eine Zeit der Freude und des Feierns sind, können sie auch eine Zeit der Stress und der Anspannung sein. Viele Männer können sich in dieser Zeit niedergeschlagen und ängstlich fühlen, was zu einer erektilen Dysfunktion führen kann. Cialis kann helfen, diese Symptome zu lindern, indem es die Durchblutung verbessert und den Blutfluss zum Penis erhöht. Es kann auch helfen, Stress und Angst zu reduzieren, was wiederum die erektile Dysfunktion lindern kann. Cialis ist eine sichere und wirksame Behand St. Brigid of Ireland---------------February 1 St. Ignatius of Antioch-------------February 1 St. Cornelius the Centurian-------------February 2 St. Blaise-----------February 3 St. Andrew Corsini----------February 4 The 26 Martyrs of Japan-------------February 5 St. Apollonia----------February 5 St. Agatha----------February 5 St. Dorothy-----------February 6 St. Titus-------------February 6 Bl. Pope Pius IX -------------February 7 St. Romauld, Abbot -------------February 7 St. Josephine Bakhita------------February 8 St. John of Matha------------February 8 St. Cyril of Alexandria--------------February 9 St. Miguel Cordero--------------February 9 St. Scholastica-----------February 10 Seven Holy Founders of the Servites-------------February 12 St. Agabus--------------February 13 St. Catherine d'Ricci February 13 St. Polyeucte-------------February 13 St. Valentine-----------February 14 St. Claude de la Columbiere-------------February 20 Sts. Faustinus and Jovita-------------February 15 St. Onesimus-------------February 16 St. Julian-------------February 17 St. Bernadette Soubirous--------------February 18 Bl. Fra Angelico-------------February 18 St. Simeon-------------February 18 St. Gabinus-------------February 19 St. Odran-------------February 19 St. Tyrannio-------------February 20 Bl. Jacinta and Francisco Marto------------February 20 St. Leo the Wonderworker-------------February 20 St. Amata-------------February 20 St. Pter Mavimenus-------------February 21 St. Robert Southwell-------------February 21 St. Peter's Chair-------------February 22 St. Peter Damien-------------February 23 Vigil of St. Matthias, Apostle-------------February 23 St. Matthias, Apostle------------February 24 [Trad.] May 14 [New] St. Walburga------------February25 [Hist.] Sts. Victor and Claudian-------------February 25 St. Alexander-------------February 26 St. Porphyry-------------February 26 St. Nestor-------------February 26 St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows------------February 27 Pope St. Hilary-------------February 28 Sts. Rimnus and Lupicinus-------------February 28 Top of the Page SAINTS OF MARCH St. David's Day, Patron of Wales--------------March 1 St. Katherine Drexel------------March 1 Bl. Charles the Good--------------March 2 St. Chad--------------March 2 St. Cunegundes, Empress--------------March 3 Pope St. Lucius I, Martyr--------------March 4 St. Francis of Assisi---------------March 4 St. Casimir--------------March 4 St. John Joseph of the Cross--------------March 5 St. Phocas--------------March 5 St. Fridolin----------March 6 St. John of the Cross------------March 5 Sts. Perpetua and Felicitas--------------March 6 St.Colette--------------March 6 St. John of God--------------March 8 St. Thomas Aquinas--------------March 7 St. Frances of Rome--------------March 9 St. Dominic Savio--------------March 9 The 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebast--------------March 10 St. Eulogius--------------March 11 St. John Ogilivie------------March 10 St. Sophronius--------------March 11 St. Nicholas Owen--------------March 12 St. Gregory the Great--------------March 12 St. Euphrasia--------------March 13 St. Josaphat--------------March 13 St. Rodrigo----------March 13 St. Matildis------------March 14 St. Maud--------------March 14 St. Clement Hofbauer [Haufbauer]--------------March 15 St. Longinus---------------March 15 St. Louise de Marillac----------------March 15 St. Abraham the Hermit--------------March 16 St. Joseph of Arimathea--------------March 17 Saint Gertrude of Nivelles --------------March 17 St. Patrick---------------March 17 St. Cyril of Constantinople--------March 6 St. Joseph---------------March 19 St. Photina--------------March 20 St. Cuthbert--------------March 20 St. Benedict--------------March 21 St. Catherine of Sweden--------------March 22 St. Gabriel the Archangel--------------March 24 St. Dismas------------March 25 St. Ludger--------------March 26 St. John Damascene--------------March 27 St. John of Capistrano--------------March 28 [Trad.] Oct. 23 [New] Sts. Jonas, Barachisius and Companions--------------March 29 St. Zozimus of Syracuse, Bishop--------------March 30 St. John Climacus--------------March 30 St. Acacius--------------March 31 Top of the Page SAINTS OF APRIL St. Hugh of Grenoble---------------April 1 St. Francis of Paola---------------April 2 St. Mary of Eygpt---------------April 2 St. Richard of Chichester---------------April 3 St. Isadore of Seville---------------April 4 St. Irene---------------April 5 St. Vincent Ferrer---------------April 5 St. Juliana of Cornillon---------------April 6 Bl. Herman Joseph---------------April 7 St. Julie Billiart---------------April 8 St. Mary of Cleophas---------------April 9 St. Ezechiel---------------April 10 St. Leo the Great---------------April 11 St. Gemma Galgani---------------April 11 St. Sabbas---------------April 12 St. Hermenegild, Martyr---------------April 13 Bl. Ida---------------April 13 Bl. Margaret of Castello---------------April 13 St. Justin, Martyr---------------April 14 Sts. Valerian, Tiburtius, and Maximus, Martyrs---------------April 14 Sts. Basilissa and Anastasia---------------April 15 St. Benedict Joseph Labre---------------April 16 Pope St. Anicetus, Martyr---------------April 17 St. Apollonius---------------April 18 Pope St. Leo IX---------------April 19 Bl. James Duckett---------------April 19 St. Agnes of Montepulciano---------------April 20 Solemnity of St. Joseph---------------April 21 St. Anselm---------------April 21 St. Conrad---------------April 21 Pope St. Caius, Martyr---------------April 22 Pope St. Soter, Martyr---------------April 22 St. George, Martyr---------------April 23 St. Euphrasia---------------April 24 St. Fidelis Sigmaringen, Martyr---------------April 24 St. Mark the Evangelist---------------April 25 Pope St. Cletus, Martyr---------------April 26 Pope St. Marcellus, Martyr---------------April 26 St. Zita---------------April 27 St. Peter Canisius---------------April 27 St. Paul of the Cross---------------April 28 St. Louis Marie de Montfort---------------April 28 St. Peter Verona, Martyr---------------April 29 St. Hugh of Cluny---------------April 29 St. Catherine of Siena---------------April 30 Top of the Page SAINTS OF MAY St. Joseph the Worker---------------May 1 St. Peregrine---------------May 1 Sts. Philip and James, Apostles---------------May 1 St. Athanasius---------------May 2 Sts. Timothy and Maura---------------May 3 St. Monica---------------May 4 St. Florian---------------May 4 Bl. Ceferino Malla---------------May 4 Pope St. Pius V---------------May 5 St. Stanislaus of Cracow, Martyr---------------May 7 Apparition of St. Michael---------------May 8 St. Gregory Nazianzen---------------May 9 St. Antonius---------------May 10 St. Damien of Molokai---------------May 10 Sts. Philip and James, Apostles---------------May 11 Bl. Imelda---------------May 12 Sts. Achilles, Nereus, Pancras, and Domitilla, Martyrs---------------May 12 St. Pancratius---------------May 12 St. Robert Bellarmine---------------May 13 St. Boniface---------------May 14 St. John Baptist de la Salle---------------May 15 St. Brendan---------------May 16 St. John Nepomucene---------------May 16 St. Simon Stock---------------May 16 St. Ubaldus---------------May 16 St. Paschal Baylon---------------May 17 St. Eric---------------May 18 St. Venantius, Martyr---------------May 18 Pope St. Celestine V---------------May 19 St. Pudentiana---------------May 19 St. Bernardine of Siena---------------May 20 St. Andrew Bobola---------------May 21 St. Eugened de Mazenod---------------May 21 St. Rita of Cascia---------------May 22 St. John Baptist de Rossi---------------May 23 St. Joanna---------------May 24 Pope St. Gregory VII---------------May 25 St. Madeleine Sophie Barat---------------May 25 St. Philip Neri---------------May 26 Pope St. Eleutherius, Martyr---------------May 27 St. Bede the Venerable---------------May 27 Pope St. John I, Martyr---------------May 27 St. Bernard of Menthon---------------May 28 St. Augustine of Canterbury---------------May 28 St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi---------------May 29 St. Joan of Arc---------------May 30 Pope St. Felix I, Martyr---------------May 30 Top of the Page SAINTS OF JUNE St. Angela Merici--------June 1 Sts. Peter, Erasmus, and Marcellinus, Martyrs--------June 2 St. Kevin--------June 3 St. Clothilde, Queen--------June 3 St. Francis Caracciolo--------June 4 St. Boniface, Martyr--------June 5 St. Norbert--------June 6 St. Philip, Deacon--------June 6 St. Robert of Newminster--------June 7 Sts. Medard and Gildard--------June 8 St. Columkille--------June 9 Sts. Primus and Felician, Martyrs--------June 9 St. Margaret of Scotland--------June 10 St. Barnabas, Apostle--------June 11 St. John of St. Facundo [us]--------June 12 Sts. Basilides, Cyprinus, Nabor, and Nazarius, Martyrs--------June 12 St. Anthony of Padua--------June 13 St. Basil the Great--------June 14 St. Germaine--------June 15 Sts. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, Martyrs--------June 15 St. John Francis Regis--------June 16 St. Botolph--------June 17 St. Ranier--------June 17 St. Gregory Barbarigo--------June 17 St. Ephrem--------June 18 Sts. Mark and Marcellianus, Martyrs--------June 18 St. Juliana Falconieri--------June 19 Sts. Gervase and Protase--------June 19 Pope St. Silverius, Martyr--------June 20 St. Terence--------June 21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga--------June 21 St. Paulinus of Nola--------June 22 St. Audrey--------June 23 Vigil of the Birth of St. John the Baptist--------June 23 Birth of St. John the Baptist--------June 24 St. William, Abbot--------June 25 Sts. John and Paul, Martyrs--------June 26 Vigil of Sts. Peter and Paul--------June 28 St. Irenaeus, Martyr--------June 28 Sts. Peter and Paul--------June 29 Commemoration of St. Paul--------June 30 Seventeen Irish Martyrs--------June 30 Top of the Page SAINTS OF JULY Bl. Junipero Serra--------July 1 Sts. Processus and Martinian, Martyrs--------July 2 Pope St. Leo II--------July 3 St. Irenaeus--------July 3 St. Theodore--------July 4 St. Anthony May Zaccaria--------July 5 St. John Fisher--------July 6 St. Thomas More--------July 6 Sts. Cyril and Methodius--------July 7 St. Elizabeth of Portugal--------July 8 St. Maria Goretti--------July 9 Holy Seven Brothers with Sts. Rufina and Secunda, Martyrs--------July 10 Pope St. Pius I, Martyr--------July 11 St. Oliver Plunket--------July 11 St. John Gualbert--------July 12 Sts. Nabor and Felix, Martyrs-------July 12 St. Veronica of the Veil--------July 12 Pope St. Anacletus, Martyr--------July 13 St. Mildred--------July 13 St. Teresa of the Andes--------July 13 St. Bonaventure--------July 14 St. Francis Solano--------July 14 Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha--------July 14 St. Henry II, Emperor--------July 15 St. Alexis the Beggar--------July 17 St. Symphorosa and Her Children, Martyrs--------July 18 St. Camillus de Lellis--------July 18 St. Vincent de Paul--------July 19 St. Jerome Emilian--------July 20 St. Margaret of Antioch, Martyr--------July 20 St. Laurence of Brindisi--------July 21 St. Praxedes--------July 21 St. Mary Magdalen--------July 22 St. Apollinaris of Ravenna--------July 23 St. Liborius, Martyrs--------July 23 St. Christina--------July 24 Vigil of St. James the Greater, Apostle--------July 25 St. James the Greater, Apostle--------July 25 St. Christopher--------July 25 St. Anne--------July 26 St. Pantaleon, Martyr--------July 27 Pope St. Celestine I--------July 27 Sts. Nazarius and Celsus, Victor I, and Innocent I, Martyrs--------July 28 St. Martha--------July 29 Sts. Felix II, Simplicius, Faustinus, Beatrice--------July 29 Sts. Abdon and Sennen--------July 30 St. Ignatius of Loyola--------July 31 Top of the Page SAINTS OF AUGUST The Chains of St. Peter--------August 1 St. Samona and Her Seven Sons [Holy Machabees]--------August 1 St. Alphonsus Liguori--------August 2 Pope St. Stephen I, Martyr--------August 2 The Finding of the Body of St. Stephen, First Martyr--------August 3 St. Lydia--------August 3 St. Peter Julian Eymard--------August 3 St. Dominic--------August 4 Sts. Xystus, Felicissimus, Agapitus--------August 6 St. Cajetan--------August 7 St. Donatus, Martyr--------August 7 Sts. Cyriacus, Largus and Smaragdus--------August 8 St. John Marie Vianney--------August 9 St. Romanus, Martyr--------August 9 Vigil of St. Lawrence, Martyr--------August 9 St. Lawrence, Martyr--------August 10 Sts. Tiburtius and Susanna--------August 11 St. Philomena--------August 11 St. Clare--------August 12 St. John Berchmans--------August 13 Sts. Hippolytus and Cassian--------August 13 St. Eusebius--------August 14 St. Maxmillian Kolbe--------August 14 St.Tarsicius--------August 15 St. Rocco--------August 16 St. Joachim--------August 16 St. Hyacinth--------August 17 St. Helena--------August 18 St. Agapitus, Martyr--------August 18 St. John Eudes--------August 19 St. Bernard--------August 20 St. Jane Frances de Chantal--------August 21 Sts. Timothy, Hippollytus, Symphorian--------August 22 St. Philip Benizi--------August 23 Vigil of St. Bartholomew, Apostle--------August 23 St. Bartholomew, Apostle--------August 24 St. Louis, King of France--------August 25 Pope St. Zephyrinus, Martyr--------August 26 St. Joseph Calasanctius--------August 27 St. Augustine--------August 28 St. Hermes, Martyr--------August 28 Beheading of St. John the Baptist--------August 29 St. Sabina, Martyr--------August 29 St. Rose of Lima--------August 30 Sts. Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs--------August 30 St. Raymond Nonnatus--------August 31 Top of the Page SAINTS OF SEPTEMBER St. Aegidius--------September 1 St. Anna, Prophetess--------September 1 St. Giles, Abbot--------September 1 The Holy Twelve Brothers, Martyrs. --------September 1 St. Stephen, King of Hungary--------September 2 Pope St. Pius X--------September 3 St. Rose of Viterbo--------September 4 St. Rosalia--------September 4 St. Lawrence Justinian--------September 5 St. Eleutherius--------September 6 St. Cloud--------September 7 St. Regina--------September 7 St. Peter Claver--------September 9 St. Gorgonius, Martyr--------September 9 St. Pulcheria--------September 10 St. Nicholas of Tolentino--------September 10 St. Paphnutius--------September 11 St. John Gabriel Perboyre--------September 11 Sts. Protus and Hyacinth, Martyrs--------September 11 St. Eulogius--------September 13 St. Nicomedes, Martyr--------September 15 Pope St. Cornelius, Martyr--------September 16 St. Cyprian, Martyr--------September 16 Sts. Euphemia, Lucy, and Geminianus, Martyrs--------September 16 St. Hildegarde--------September 17 Stgmata of St. Francis of Assisi --------September 17 St. Joseph Cupertino--------September 18 Bl. John Massias--------September 18 St. Januarius and Companions, Martyrs--------September 19 St. Eustace and Companions, Martyrs--------September 20 Vigil of St. Matthew--------September 20 St. Matthew, Apostle--------September 21 St. Thomas of Villanova--------September 22 St. Maurice and the Theban Legion, Martyrs--------September 22 St. Thecla--------September 23 Pope St. Linus, Martyr--------September 23 St. Padre Pio--------September 23 St. Cleophas--------September 25 Bl. Herman the Cripple--------September 25 Sts. Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs--------September 26 Eight North American Martyrs--------September 26 Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs--------September 27 St. Wenceslaus, Martyr--------September 28 Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel--------September 29 St. Jerome--------September 30 Top of the Page SAINTS OF OCTOBER St. Remegius-------October 1 Holy Guardian Angels -------October 2 St. Therese of Lisieux-------October 3 St. Francis of Assisi-------October 4 St. Placidus and Companions, Martyrs-------October 5 St. Faustina Kowalska-------October 5 Bl. Raymond of Capua-------October 5 St. Bruno-------October 6 Pope St. Mark-------October 7 Sts. Sergius, Bacchus,Marcellus, and Apuleius, Martyrs-------October 7 St. Bridget of Sweden-------October 8 St. Denis [Dionysius], Rusticus, and Eleutherius, Martyrs-------October 9 St. John Lenard-------October 9 St. Francis Borgia-------October 10 St. Edward King and Confessor-------October 13 St. Gerald-------October 13 Pope St. Callistus, Martyr-------October 14 St. Teresa of Avila-------October 15 St. Hedwig-------October 16 St. Gerard Majella-------October 16 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque-------October 17 St. Luke, Evangelist-------October 18 St. Peter of Alcantara-------October 19 St. John Cantius-------October 20 St. Irene-------October 20 St. Hilarion, Abbot-------October 21 St. Ursula and Companions, Martyrs-------October 21 St. Mary Salome-------October 22 St. Anthony Mary Claret-------October 23 St. Ignatius of Constantinople-------October 23 St. Raphael the Archangel-------October 24 St. Isidore the Farmer-------October 25 Sts. Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs-------October 25 Sts. Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs-------October 25 Pope St. Evaristus, Martyr-------October 26 St. Frumentius-------October 27 Vigil of Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles-------October 27 Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles-------October 28 St. Narcissus-------October 29 St. Alphonsus Rodriguez-------October 30 St. Wolfgang-------October 31 Vigil of All Saints-------October 31 Top of the Page SAINTS OF NOVEMBER All Saints -------November 1 Holy Souls in Purgatory -------November 2 St. Malachy-------November 3 St. Martin de Porres-------November 3 St. Charles Borromeo-------November 4 Sts. Vitalis and Agricola, Martyrs-------November 4 Sts. Zachary and Elizabeth-------November 5 St. Leonard of Limoges-------November 6 St. Leonard Reresby-------November 6 St. Willibrord-------November 7 St. Ernest-------November 7 St. Geoffrey-------November 8 Bl. Duns Scotus-------November 8 Four Crowned Martyrs-------November 8 St. Theodore, Martyr-------November 9 St. Andrew Avellino-------November 10 Sts. Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha, Martyrs-------November 10 St. Martin of Tours-------November 11 St. Mennas, Martyr-------November 11 Pope St. Martin, Martyr-------November 12 St. Didacus-------November 13 St. Stanislaus Kostka-------November 13 St. Frances X. Cabrini-------November 13 St. Josaphat, Martyr-------November 14 St. Laurence O'Toole-------November 14 St. Albert the Great-------November 15 St. Gertrude the Great-------November 16 St. Hugh of Lincoln-------November 17 St. Gregory the Womderworker-------November 17 St. Rose Philippine Duchesne-------November 17 Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul-------November 18 St. Romanus, Martyr-------November 18 St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary-------November 19 Pope St. Pontianus, Martyr-------November 19 St. Felix of Valois-------November 20 Bl. Angeles and Sixteen Companions, Martyrs-------November 20 St. Cecilia, Martyr-------November 22 Pope St. Clement, Martyr-------November 23 St. Miguel Pro-------November 23 St. Felicitas, Martyr-------November 2 St. John of the Cross-------November 24 St. Chrysogonus, Martyr-------November 24 117 Martyrs of Vietnam-------November 24 St. Catherine of Alexandria, Martyr-------November 25 St. Leonard of Port Maurice-------November 26 St. Sylvester, Abbot-------November 26 St. Peter of Alexandria, Martyr-------November 26 Bl. Leonard Kimura-------November 27 St. Joseph Mary Pignatelli-------November 28 St. Saturninus-------November 29 Vigil of St. Andrew, Apostle-------November 29 St. Andrew, Apostle-------November 30 St. Maura-------November 30 Top of the Page SAINTS OF DECEMBER St. Edward Campion, Martyr-------December 1 St. Bibiana [Vivian], Martyr-------December 2 St. Francis Xavier-------December 3 St. Barbara, Martyr-------December 4 St. Peter Chrysologus-------December 4 St. Sabbas, Abbot-------December 5 St. Nicholas of Bari-------December 6 St. Ambrose-------December 7 St. Juan Diego-------December 9 St. Leocadia-------December 9 Pope St. Melchiades, Martyr-------December 10 Pope St. Damasus-------December 11 St. Lucy, Martyr-------December 13 Sts. Nicasius, Eutropia and Companions, Martyrs-------December 14 St. Christiana-------December 15 St. Eusebius, Martyr-------December 16 St. Alice-------December 16 Sts. Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, Martyrs-------December 16 St. Lazarus-------December 17 Bl. Pope Urban V-------December 19 St. Dominic of Silos-------December 20 Vigil of St. Thomas, Apostle-------December 20 St. Thomas, Apostle-------December 21 St. Zeno-------December 22 St. Flavian-------December 22 St. Yvo of Chartres-------December 23 Sts. Adam and Eve-------December 24 St. Stephen, First Martyr-------December 26 St. John the Evangelist, Apostle-------December 27 The Holy Innocents -------December 28 St. Thomas Becket, Martyr-------December 29 St. David, King-------December 29 St. Sabinus-------December 30 Pope St. Sylvester-------December 31 St. Catherine Laboure-------December 31 Top of the Page ![]() ![]() ![]() HOME---------------E-MAIL www.catholictradition.org/Saints/feast-days.htm |