ECCLESIASTICAL FORMS OF ADDRESS FOR CATHOLICS RECOGNIZED IN THE UNITED STATES The following are forms of address used by Catholics in letters and in speech. It is perfectly correct for those who are not Catholics to change the conclusion to something such as: "With every good wish to Your Excellency (Eminence, etc.), I am, Sincerely yours, NN.," or even more simply, "With every best wish. Sincerely yours, NN." THE POPE: Addressing a letter: His Holiness Pope N___________ Salutation: Most Holy Father; Your Holiness. Concluding a letter: I have the honor to profess myself with the most profound respect, your Holiness' most obedient and humble servant. In personal speech: Your Holiness CARDINALS: Addressing a letter: His Eminence (Christian name) Cardinal (Surname) (If an archbishop or bishop give title and see) Salutation: Your Eminence: Concluding a letter: Asking the blessing of Your Eminence, I am, Yours respectfully in Christ, N. In personal speech: Your Eminence ARCHBISHOPS: Addressing a letter: Most Reverend N______N _____,Archbishop of ___________ Salutation: Your Excellency: Concluding a letter: Asking Your Excellency's blessing, I am, Yours respectfully in Christ, N. In personal speech: Your Excellency PATRIARCHS, EASTERN: Addressing a letter: His Beatitude the Patriarch of _______ or, His Beatitude the Lord (Christian name) Patriarch of _______ Salutation: Your Beatitude: Concluding a letter: Asking Your Beatitude's blessing, I am, Yours respectfully in Christ, NN. In personal speech: Your Beatitude PATRIARCHS, LATIN TITULAR, AND NUNCIOS: Addressing a letter: His Excellency the Patriarch (Archbishop) of______ or His Excellency Monsignor N, Patriarch (Archbishop) of ______ Salutation: Most Reverend Excellency; Your Excellency: Concluding a letter: Asking Your Excellency's blessing, I am, Yours respectfully, NN. In personal speech: Your Excellency. BISHOPS: Addressing a letter: Most Reverend N______ N______ Bishop of ______ Salutation: Your Excellency; Your Excellency: Concluding a letter: Asking Your Excellency's blessing, I am, Yours respectfully, NN. In personal speech: Bishop ABBOTS: Addressing a letter: Right Reverend N______ N ______(adding letters designating his Order) Abbott of ______ Salutation: Right Reverend Abbot: Concluding a letter: Yours respectfully in Christ, NN. In personal speech: Father Abbot PROTONOTARIES APOSTOLIC, DOMESTIC PRELATES AND VICARS GENERAL: Addressing a letter: Rt. Rev. Msgr. N______N______ Salutation: Right Reverend Monsignor: Concluding a letter: Yours respectfully in Christ, NN. In personal speech: Monsignor PAPAL CHAMBERLAINS: Address on envelope: Very. Rev. Msgr. N ______N ______ Salutation: Very Reverend Monsignor: Concluding a letter: Yours respectfully in Christ, NN. In personal speech: Monsignor SECULAR PRIESTS: Address on envelope: Rev. N______N______ or Father N ______ Salutation: Dear Father: Concluding a letter: Respectfully yours in Christ, NN. In personal speech: Father (Note: Priests as a group object to being addressed either in a salutation or in personal speech as "Reverend N______." "Father" is the preferred form.) RELIGIOUS ORDER PRIESTS: Address on envelope: Rev. N______ N ______(adding letters designating his Order.) Salutation: Dear Father: Concluding a letter: Respectfully yours in Christ, NN In personal speech: Father BROTHERS: Address on envelope: Brother N______ (adding initials designating his Order.) Salutation: Dear Brother N ______ Concluding a letter: Respectfully yours in Christ, NN In personal speech: Brother SISTERS: Address on envelope: Sister N______ Salutation: Dear Sister N ______ Concluding a letter: Respectfully yours in Christ, NN In personal speech: Sister MOTHER SUPERIOR (or MOTHER GENERAL): Addressing a letter: The Reverend Mother Superior (General), Convent of______ or, The Reverend Mother N ______(adding initials of her Order.) Salutation: Dear Reverend Mother: Concluding a letter: Respectfully yours, In personal speech: Mother ![]() ![]() HOME--------------SAINTS |