![]() ![]() IGNORANCE The Japanese, complaining to Blessed Francis Xavier, their Apostle, that God, Who had had so much care of other na- tions, seemed to have forgotten their predecessors, not having given them the knowledge of Himself, for lack of which they must have been lost; the man of God answered them that the divine natural law was engraved in the hearts of all mortals, and that, if their forerunners had observed it, the light of Heaven would without doubt have illuminated them. On the contrary, having violated it, they deserved damnation. - St. Francis de Sales Whether you go among the Indians, or into Spain, or to the very ends of the earth, there is no one without the hearing of the Gospel, unless it be of his own neglect. - St. John Chrysostom And as the sun, that creature of God, is one and the same throughout the whole world, so also the preaching of the truth shines everywhere and enlightens all men who are willing to come to a knowledge of the truth ... It is in the power of anyone, who cares, to discover the truth and to know the tradition which the Apostles professed throughout the world ... For the Apostles lavishly deposited all aspects of the truth with the Church, as in a Bank, so that everyone, whoever wants, may withdraw the truth from her. - St. Irenaeus of Lyons In all ages, men have been divinely instructed in matters expedient for the salvation of the Elect. - St. Thomas Aquinas Age has succeeded age, and generations have followed upon generations, each one in the time predestined and decreed by Eternal Wisdom, each one also having an opportunity to know and to find Him. - Ven. Mary of Agreda God gives each one of us sufficient grace always to know His holy will, and to do it fully. - St. Ignatius of Loyola God calls all men to virtue from their childhood. - St. John Chrysostom All men enjoy some measure of heavenly teaching; and though the measure of grace might be small, it is sufficient to be a remedy for some men and a testimony for everyone. - St. Prosper of Aquitaine Every man possesses the knowledge necessary to save himself. - St. Bridget of Sweden Mercy is not hidden in any nook or cranny; it is placed in public. It is offered to everyone, and no one is without it except him who refuses it! - St. Bernard It belongs to the Providence of God to provide every individual with what is necessary for salvation, provided he places no impediment in the way. - St. Thomas Aquinas It is certain that God wills the salvation of everyone. Hence, the Lord gives to everyone the graces necessary to obtain eternal life. And if He does not give everyone efficacious grace, He at least gives them the grace by which they may pray, and by prayer obtain every efficacious grace necessary to fulfill the law and to be saved. - St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori The grace of God accompanies man from the womb to the tomb: it is poured out upon him in quantity and quality corresponding to his mission ... From God we receive at every moment all that is necessary for us in the natural and in the supernatural order. - St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe How to provide each person with whatever is necessary for his salvation belongs to Divine Providence. Consequently, should someone put forward the case of a person who is brought up to draw from natural motives in pursuing good desires and avoiding the bad - for example, even among unfeeling savages in the woods - it must most certainly be held that God would reveal to him, even by an interior inspiration, what is necessary to be believed: even so far as to direct some preacher of the faith to him, just as He sent Peter to Cornelius. - St. Thomas Aquinas He who truly desires Love, seeks it truly; and he who truly seeks it, surely finds it. - St. Francis de Sales It is morally impossible for one who in life has been faithful to God to die unhappily. - Bl. Claude de la Colombiere Who will teach me what is most agreeable to God, so that I may do it? - Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha The missions began at the commencement of the world; for God has never at any time neglected to send workmen to cultivate His vineyard. - Pope St. Gregory the Great Whoever they be who are separated from the original damnation by the benefit of Divine grace, there is no doubt that hearing the Gospel is also procured for them, and when they hear they believe and persevere to the end in the faith. - St. Augustine God speaks to us unceasingly by His good inspirations. - St. John Mary Vianney No one can know God as He is, yet no one can be ignorant of Him either. - St. Augustine The sun is commanded to rise over everyone; and, indeed, this sun does in fact rise over everyone every day. That mystic Sun of Justice, however, has risen for all, comes to all, suffered for all, and rose again for all. He suffered so that He might take away the sin of the world. If, however, anyone does not believe in Christ, he only cheats himself out of this universal benefit. - St. Ambrose Each man has had an opportunity to know and to find his Creator; for everyone had Him so near to them that He gave them life, movement, and existence. - Ven. Mary of Agreda The eye of the intellect has received supernatural light infused by grace. And everyone has had the illumination of this light as he needed it for his salvation. - St. Catherine of Siena That light, however, does not nourish the eyes of the irrational, but the pure hearts of those men who believe in God and who turn from the love of visible and temporal things to the fulfilling of His precepts. All men can do this if they will, because that Light illuminates every man coming into this world. - St. Augustine The Catholic Church of God is settled in every place and every country and every city. - St. Eusebius of Caesaria There is not a single race of men - whether barbarians or Greeks, or of whatever name they may be called, either wagon-dwellers or those who are called nomads or herdsmen who dwell in tents - among whom prayers and thanksgivings are not offered to God the Creator of all things in the name of the Crucified Jesus. - St. Justin the Martyr For we see with our own eyes ... the heavenly seed of the evangelical doctrine ... enduring through the ages; and, indeed, we behold the throne of the Holy One of God, the Only-Begotten Word, established in the Church throughout the entire universe: in all nations, all cities, all villages and places, filling the universal world. - St. Eusebius of Caesaria Before the end of the second century, all nations had embraced the faith of Jesus. - St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori Mercy is placed out in public: it is offered to everyone, and no one is without it except the one who refuses it. - St. Bernard God wills all men to be saved, and therefore grace is lacking to no man but, as far as God is concerned, is communicated to everyone, just as the sun is present even to the blind. However, if anyone is not enlightened, it is the fault of the man who turns himself away from the light which would otherwise enlighten him. - St. Thomas Aquinas We may roam through all the ages of history and learn that the Lord gave opportunity for penance to everyone in all generations who wished to be converted ... even though they were strangers to Him. - Pope St. Clement I For, whatever can be known of creation is less than nothing compared with what can be known of the Creator Himself, and who is silent concerning Him? - St. Thomas Aquinas From the beginning, God put the knowledge of Himself into men ... Did He send them a voice from above? Of course not. He did something better able to draw them than a voice; He placed Creation in front of them, so that the wise and the simple, the Scythian and the barbarian, having thus learned by vision the beauty of what they saw, might mount up to God. - St. John Chrysostom There is no race of people which does not recognize God by nature. - St. Jerome Since God has placed you in this world only to do His holy will, and your salvation depends on this, it is therefore extremely necessary that you should easily know God's will in all that must be done. So He has made it easily recognizable, manifesting His will in ... ways which are very certain and evident ... So, if you would only open the eyes of faith even a little, you could easily, at all times and in every situation, recognize God's most holy will, and this know ledge would lead you to love Him and to submit yourself to Him. - St. John Eudes All graces given to those outside the Church are given for the purpose of bringing them inside the Church. - St. Augustine All people, and each individual man, is called to come into the Church. - Ven. Pope Pius XII He, who in every nation fears the Lord, is received by Him if he be willing to believe the faith and to become a part of the Church. - St. Thomas Aquinas The miracle of Pentecost signified that the Gospel would speak out loud in every tongue in all nations throughout the whole world, and it is thus that their sound has gone out into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. Hence, it is true that the Church is hidden from nobody. St. Augustine INTELLIGENCE Let everyone who has the grace of intelligence fear that, because of it, he will be judged more heavily if he is negligent. Let him who has no intelligence or talent rejoice and do as much as he can with the little that he has; for he has been freed from many occasions of sin. - St. Bridget of Sweden VIEW THE WHOLE IMAGE WITHOUT THE PHOTOFADE ![]() ![]() HOME----------SAINTS-----------QUOTE OF THE WEEK----------MEMORABLE QUOTES www.catholictradition.org/Saint/saintly-quotes20.htm |