Number 10
Special Feasts
Our Lady of
May 13
Promise of the Universal Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Secret of Fatima,
communicated to the three seers July 13, 1917, is terminated by a
conclusion which creates a definite hope for us. In it the Immaculate
Virgin announces the terrible combat of the "last times", assuredly
entered into since 1960, will end by Her total victory. The Infernal
serpent will be finally overwhelmed, his head crushed-----A
promise which is irrevocable and unconditional. Yes, this hour will
come, and we can hasten it by responding fully, on our part, to the
small requests of Our Lady: recitation of the daily Rosary
and of the prayers taught by the Angel
and by the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
practice of the reparatory Communion on the first five Saturdays of the month, wearing of
the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel as a sign of our consecration
to Her Immaculate Heart.
In this year, while the night of the "diabolical confusion" thickens,
the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary, concluding the Secret revealed to
the world with its first two parts in 19423, shine in our sky as a
unique star:
"In the end, My Immaculate Heart win triumph. The Holy Father win
consecrate Russia to Me, and she win be converted, and some time of
peace win be granted to the world."
Thus Our Lady has not given us some vague and uncertain promise of
final victory, but She has indicated with precision the marvelous
events which will provoke and establish the universal reign of Her
Immaculate Heart.
In 1689, at Paray-le-Monial, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in addressing
St. Margaret-Mary, said of Louis XIV: "He will obtain his birth of
grace and eternal glory through the consecration which he will make of
himself to My adorable Heart Who wants his triumph and, through his
intervention, the triumph over the great ones of the earth." As in the
17th century God wanted the Sacred Heart of His Divine Son to triumph
over the heart of the King of France, so in the 20th century, He wants
the Immaculate Heart of His Most Holy Mother to triumph over the heart
of the Holy Father. Our Lord waits for His "Minister" to embrace the
devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which he accepts and
promotes, through his apostolic authority, the admirable Divine Plan of
Mercy which could not be achieved without his co-operation. The Church
is hierarchical, and even the sum of all the individual wills of its
members, could not replace the act of obedience of its head to God. The
accomplishment of the promises of Our Lady of Fatima, the salvation and
peace of the world, depend then on the good will of the Pope, and to
triumph over the heart of the Holy Father will be the first great
victory of the tender and gentle Heart of
Mary Who will mark the dawn of Her universal reign. The time idiom "por
fim" in Portuguese, which signifies "in the end", or also "finally,"
"at last," lets us guess after which strenuous struggle, perhaps even
that apparent defeat of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Her victory will come
unexpectedly. In order that the Pope may make the decision to answer
the requests of Our Lady, a "victorious, triumphal" decision, but also
"difficult and heroic", will it be necessary for new chastisements to
fall on Christianity infested by satan and strike the Pope
himself? It is probable. Inasmuch as Our Lady has specified in
the second part of the Secret that "the Holy Father will have
much to suffer". And during the revelation of Rianjo, Our Lord Who was
displeased, announced that "given that His ministers follow the example
of the King of France in delaying the execution of His command, they
will follow him into misfortune . . . Like the King of France, they
will repent . . ." Let us recall also that reply of Our Lord to Lucy,
in the spring of 1936, so laconic, but so striking: "The Holy Father!
Pray much for the Holy Father. He will do it [the consecration of
Russia], but it will be late."
It is in that context which we must place the two prophetic visions of
Jacinta concerning the Holy Father.
In the first, she saw him persecuted and overwhelmed with sufferings:
Lucy relates, "one day we went to spend the siesta time near the well
of my parents. Jacinta then sat down on the stone of the well, and
Francisco came with me to look for some wild honey in a bramble bush
located on a rock which was near there. A while afterwards, Jacinta
called me:
"Did you see the Holy Father?"
"I do not know how it happened, I saw the Holy Father in a very large
house, kneeling before a table, his head in his hands and weeping.
Outside, there were many people and some were throwing stones, others
were cursing him and saying many bad words to him. Poor Holy Father! We
must pray much for him."
A mysterious vision which some interpreters have wanted, mistakenly it
seems to us, to apply to Pius XII. Following Father Alonso, a very sure
guide, we think "that it refers to the future."
That vision must have some connection with some specific event
announced in the Secret, for Lucy writes in continuation of her
account: "I have already told how one day, two priests recommended us
to pray for the Holy Father and explained to us who the Pope was.
Jacinta then asked me: "Is that the same one I saw weeping and of whom
Our Lady spoke to us in the Secret?"
"He is the one", I replied.
Lucy reports, "on another occasion we were going to our "Loca" (grotto)
de Cabeço. Once there, we prostrated ourselves
on the ground to recite the prayers of the Angel. After some time,
Jacinta straightened up again and called me: "Don't you see so many
paths, so many roads, so many fields full of people who weep for hunger
and have nothing to eat? And the Holy Father in a church, praying
before the Immaculate Heart of Mary? And so many who pray with him?"
Some days later, Jacinta asked me: "May I say that I saw the Holy
Father and everyone?"
"No! Don't you see that is part of the Secret? And that in this way
everything would be exposed?"
"That's fine, then I won't say a word."
That second prophetic vision, as the preceding one, must concern future
events, a horrible war to come. "So many paths, so many roads and
fields filled with dead people, losing their blood", indicates Lucy in
a copy destined for Father Gonçalves. The Holy Father "praying before
the Immaculate Heart of Mary" could indeed be the Pope mentioned in the
conclusion of the Secret: "In the end . . . the Holy Father will
consecrate Russia to Me." The Blessed Virgin would have had Her little
confidante see in what tragic situation the Sovereign Pontiff would
accomplish Her request.
That Pope, totally
consecrated to the Immaculate Heart, will do what the Virgin has
requested, exactly as She has requested it, and for the sole reason She
wants it thus. He will begin by revealing to the world the third Part
of the Secret, while proclaiming its certain authenticity and its
absolute truth. That disclosure has become since 1960 the first request
of Our Lady. The text of the Secret will be the miraculous instrument
which will permit the Church to come out from its apostasy without
which its faith in its flawlessness would be shaken. Indeed the Secret
will show that at the very moment when the Church had been delivered up
by her leaders to apostasy, her final victory over the Powers of error
and evil had been promised by the Immaculate Mother of God. A temporary
apostasy of the hierarchy, Divinely prophesied forty-five years in
advance, is not a scandalous failure marking the abandonment of God; it
is only the chastisement of bad shepherds who have not wanted to
believe in the prophetic warning of their Heavenly Mother.
The simple and strong words of Our Lady of the Rosary will certainly be
decisive for the renaissance and renewal of the Church. They will
deliver a message sufficiently explicit so that the Reform extolled by
the Second Vatican Council in one single blow will be discredited in
the eyes of the faithful and rejected by the best Bishops. In an
identical outburst, the Pope, through his own wishes, will call for the
meeting of a new Council, a dogmatic Vatican III, with a view to
liberating the Church from the armies of satan camped in its ramparts
and to bring about a great work of renovation. The divisions, the
controversies and disputes from which the Mystical Body of Christ has
been suffering so cruelly, will not disappear from one day to the next.
But henceforth they will be Divinely enlightened, and the Pope and
Bishops will dare to deliver an infallible teaching to condemn by name
the heresies taught today in the Church. The Sovereign Pontiff,
sustained by by the words of Our Lady, will thus accomplish this
work of counter-reform whose urgent necessity our Father Superior, the
Abbe de Nantes, has not ceased for the last twenty-five years to
demonstrate! The dogmas of the faith will be professed again with love,
vigor and enthusiasm; the Divine prerogatives of the Virgin Mary
recognized; Her Co-Redemption and universal Mediation defined
The apostasy once unmasked, the Pope will be able to promote the
reparatory devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
In bringing to mind one of his conversations with Lucy, Canon Barthas
relates: "In 1946 I was still totally un aware of the vision of June
1929. Sister Lucy told me that Russia would convert when the Holy
Father, united to the Bishops of the world, would have consecrated that
country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I said to her that this union
appeared to me quite impossible. She answered me: "Yes, yes! For me, I
see it."
That act of reparation and collegial consecration of Russia will be
accomplished openly and officially, without vain oratorical caution,
nor false prudence, for the Pope will have understood finally how much
the Ostpolitik of the
Vatican was contrary to the Divine wishes. When the announced
chastisements will be tragically realized, when he himself will have
been severely tried, the Holy Father will no longer consider with
scepticism the Secret of Our Lady. But convinced of its authenticity,
he will see "Soviet Communism project itself in the Fatima sky as God's
scourge, as the terrible instrument which God will use in order to
chastise sinful humanity." Indeed, Father Alonso adds, "we are as in
biblical times in which, when the people of God stray from the precepts
of Jehovah, their God, they were chastised through the violent invasion
of the great neighboring nations who sacked everything, inflicting
severe chastisements on them, and led them into captivity in distant
Today those neighboring people, according to the revelations of Fatima,
are just a single nation dominated by the atheism most opposed to the
Kingdom of God . . . Whence the eschatological importance of the
message of Fatima which is not simply a new, very urgent appeal to
prayer and penance, but which is inserted into the most contemporary
history in order to give us its theological sense. It has given us the
veritable theology of today's history."
In the message of Fatima, Father Alonso notes further, "Russia
signifies the place where in a certain period of history, the "Mystery
of Iniquity" was established."
The denunciation and solemn condemnation of impiety at work in that
unfortunate country will be the spontaneous reaction of a Church of
counter-reform, placing worship of God above all. That act of
reparation to the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, so outraged by so
many blasphemies, profanations, and crimes, will make known to the
whole world, the gravity of the injury and the offense directed to God
by the Bolshevist power which improperly exercises a satanic power over
millions of souls who by right belong to the Holy Hearts of Jesus and
The act of reparation and consecration of Russia will be what Our Lord
wants it to be: A public act of obedience and filial love towards the
Immaculate Heart of His Mother. As soon as the Pope will have decided
to execute it in order to manifest his obedience to Our Lady of the
Rosary and his certitude of the very near realization of the promised
miracle, the conversion of Russia, it will no longer be a question for
him to discuss under what conditions this act should be accomplished.
God's Will is that "the Holy Father deign to make and order the Bishops
of the Catholic world to make likewise, a public and solemn act of
reparation and consecration of Russia to the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus
and Mary."
The Blessed Virgin did not ask the Russian people to consecrate
themselves, but She asked the Pope and the Bishops to consecrate Russia
to Her Immaculate Heart. In daring to consecrate Russia by name to the
Immaculate Heart, the ministers of Jesus Christ will profess the right
of that gentle Heart to universal Royalty as well as His sovereign
domain over all nations even though they have revolted against His
The consecration of Russia will be an hierarchical act. The Pope will
engage his authority, "ordering all the Bishops of the Catholic world .
. ." Father Alonso remarked that those words of Our Lady exclude Orthodox Bishops. God will
not grant the graces of a miraculous salvation to the Russian people
through the mediation of schismatic pastors.
Let us note that this act of authority of the Sovereign Pontiff will
permit a restoration of the true and authentic communion of Catholic
Bishops around Peter. Each prelate having at last to choose publicly
for the Church or for the Revolution, the "rapacious wolves," disguised
as sheep, will be constrained to unmask themselves, and the Pope will
be able to and will have to then put sanctions on them and depose them.
When the Sovereign Pontiff acts thus, in accordance with his duty as
Vicar of Christ, he will be spurned by his own depraved children,
engaged for a long time in the service of the Adversary. We foresee
clearly the difficulty of the combats which he will have then to lead,
the violence of the persecutions which will fall on him; but the
deceitful dialogue between the Church of Christ and the Synagogue of
satan will finally be broken.
To the request of the consecration of Russia is linked the request of
"promising, on condition of the end of the persecution in Russia, to
approve and recommend the practice of reparatory devotion to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary." Likewise in 1689 the Sacred Heart of Jesus
expressed to Saint Margaret-Mary His Wish to be honored solemnly at
first in the kingdom of France, in the court of King Louis XIV, so as
to be honored afterwards in all the courts of Europe. He wants in our
century the Immaculate Heart of His Most Holy Mother to receive first a
public cult and solemn homage on the part of the hierarchy, that is,
the Pope and all the Bishops of the world, so that the reparatory
devotion to that gentle Heart of Mary be spread then in the whole
Church. Let us recall that in 1936, when Lucy asked Our Lord: "Why He
would not convert Russia without His Holiness making that
consecration", she received this reply:
"Because I want the whole Church to recognize that consecration as a
triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in order to then extend Her
public veneration, and to place alongside devotion to My Divine Heart,
devotion to Her Immaculate Heart."
The Pope and the Bishops will be able to accomplish the act of
reparation and consecration of Russia, united in a same place or each
one in his own diocese. That last solution would have the advantage of
permitting the clergy and faithful to unite more easily in the act of
devotion of their Pastors. Sister Lucy has often repeated that this
consecration will have to be executed "at the same time" by the Pope
and the Bishops. It will be "a special day . . . of prayer and world
reparation", in order to "promote a solemn crusade of prayer and
reparation, like the
consecration of the world to the Heart of Jesus", the seer specified to
Father da Fonseca. In order to prepare worthily the latter, on May 25,
1899, Pope Leo XIII had sent to all the Bishops of the world the
Encyclical Letter Annum Sacrum,
which concluded with this formal command:
"As a result, We command that on the 9, 10, and 11 of the month of
June, that some determined prayers be said in the Church of each
locality, in the principal Church of each city. During these three days
will be added to the other invocations, litanies of the Sacred Heart
approved by Our authority. On the last day, the form of the
consecration which We send will be recited, Venerable Brethren, at the
same time as these letters."
One day, in the whole Church, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will
receive the same solemn honors, and the promised miracles will be
accomplished through the all-powerful Mediation of the Queen of Heaven
and earth, at last victorious over the kingdom of darkness.
When in 1946 John Haffert asked Lucy if the conversion of Russia would
follow certainly the consecration of that nation, the seer declared:
"Yes, it is what Our Lady promised. That will happen."
Likewise, when Father McGlynn wanted to know whether the promise of the
conversion of Russia was absolute or conditional, Lucy replied: "In the
end", in the text of the Secret, signifies that it is absolute."
And when Father Alonso questioned her on the word of Our Lord: "The
Pope will consecrate Russia, but it will be late," she indicated to him
that "the consecration of Russia and also the final triumph of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary which will follow it, are absolutely certain
and will be accomplished despite all the obstacles."
After official approval of the reparatory devotion of the First
Saturdays of the month and the collegial consecration of Russia, the
Virgin of Fatima, Who in 1917 had induced the fall of the sun, will
achieve another unheard of miracle: the conversion of Russia. We know
it with absolute certainty. What a prodigious promise, allowing us to
already imagine with precision the marvels of the coming triumph of Her
Immaculate Heart! Russia, that nation at present possessed by satan,
will convert. What a consolation, what a relief, to be sure that the
Russians, for such a long time persecutors of the Church, will soon
sing the praises of the gentle Heart of Mary and render Her fervent
The darkness and loss of faith, which impedes today the accomplishment
of the consecration of Russia in the conditions demanded by the Blessed
Virgin, similarly prevent the preservation of hope which is found
linked to it. The conciliar theologians dream only of a Russia where
religious liberty, the rights of man
would be respected in a democratic Republic! The idea of a
religious liberty granted by a Leninist power, today by Mikhail
Gorbachev, is absolutely foreign and
even contrary to the message of Fatima. Although there are texts
which seem to announce "the end of the persecution", that expression is
far from being exclusive. It is enveloped by others much more explicit in which the
Virgin assures us that She will convert Russia, that She will save it.
When in the great Secret, Our Lady of the Rosary promises solemnly that
Russia will be converted, She announces that this nation will become Catholic, that is, that
it will be delivered completely at the same time from Communism and from its secular schism. Several
experts of Fatima, influenced by the ecumenical doctrines of the Second
Vatican Council, did not wish to agree to it and they came to mangle
the promise of Our Lady. For example, Father Richard who wrote: "Many
times, Russians living in Europe were moved and even felt hurt by this
claim to convert Russia, as if she were a pagan people, as if Russian
Christianity needed to be authenticated as Christian, as if even its
Christian label had to require the Roman trademark."
By what perfidious inversion have they changed the all merciful will of
Our Lady to "convert Russia" into a "claim" injurious and hurtful? Our
Lady having asked for the consecration of Russia by the Pope and
Catholic Bishops, it is obvious to them that She has promised to
convert Russia: it can therefore only concern the conversion to the
one, true Church, to the one, holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman
Father Alonso observed moreover, "Lucy has always thought that the
conversion of Russia does not extend only to a return of the Russian
people to the Christian-Orthodox Religion, while rejecting the Marxist
Atheism of the Soviets, but that it refers simply and fully to the
total and integral conversion by a return to the unique and true Roman
Catholic Church."
That nation will be saved from its schism through the
all-powerful mediation of Our Lady, at the request of all the Catholic
Bishops obedient to their head, that Pope of Rome to whom the Russians
refuse, in their hardened rebellion, to recognize the primacy of
universal jurisdiction proper to the successor of Peter. When the
Immaculate Mother of God exorcises Russia, when She delivers it from
the devils who possess it, She will spread over this poor nation
superabundant graces of conversion, and in the spiritual combat of the
last times between the Blessed Virgin and satan, now taking place, it
is obvious that the demonic forces will only abandon this unfortunate
country when they are vanquished and expelled. Russia then will become
a great Catholic nation in its leaders and institutions. Indeed a Government is never neutral, it
always works either in harmony with the Church, or, as the Beast of the
Apocalypse, against it and in the service of the Prince of this world. The
political power in Russia will
therefore only cease being
antichrist when it becomes openly Catholic.
The great miracle promised is not without historical precedent, which
allows us, in an analogical manner, to foresee its otherwise precise
realization, at least the Divine possibility. Several times, in the
history of the Church, through the mediation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, God has intervened in a similar manner, "by strong hand and
extended arm", realizing astonishing prodigies. The graces obtained
after the consecration of France to Our Lady by King Louis XIII in
1638, or after the consecration of the parish of Ars to "Mary conceived
without sin" by its holy Curé on May 1, 1836, give some idea of what
will be the supernatural fruits of the consecration of Russia to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary. We have also an eloquent historical example,
which should certainly have a prophetic scope, in the consecration to
the "Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary" of the parish of Our Lady
of Victories in 1836. A shower of extraordinary graces, provoking its
almost sudden conversion, manifested publicly the marvelous efficacy of
that consecration. What the Blessed Virgin Mary has accomplished for
souls in a parish, She has promised to realize it for Russia in
response to the humble docility of the Pope. Finally, it must not be
forgotten the triple miracle effected by Our Lady in Portugal in
response to the act of consecration accomplished by the Bishops of
Portugal in 1931. Brilliant miracle which we have already presented [in
another of the 3 volumes from which this extract is taken].
To convert Russia, will God act as He did during the first centuries of
the history of the Church, with Europe's conversion to Christ, by a
continuation of great political miracles? Indeed it was through the
work of the missionaries coupled with newly converted princes, such as
Constantine, Clovis, and the grand-prince Vladimir that Europe became
Catholic. Those founding events of Catholicism keep an exemplary value
and their calling to mind can serve to better anchor our soul in
unlimited confidence in the Divine mercy. Nevertheless, we are not
mistaken, the miracle of the conversion of Russia, the realization of
that unheard of promise, without comparison in all the history of the
Church, will surpass certainly everything that we can today imagine. Is
it necessary therefore to think that the Immaculate Heart of Mary will
save Russia "through new signs dazzling in the sun, in the sky? I
believe it", replies our Father Superior, supporting his views with the
prophecies of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, pronounced in the 30's: "I think
that people will see the statue of the Immaculate as placed over the
Kremlin and will begin from there to radiate; and in a word, She will
be truly the Queen of every heart, and will introduce into each heart
the Divine Love, the Heart of Jesus. Then will the goal of the Militia lmmaculatae be attained."
Maria Winowska reports a still more precise prophecy which surely
corresponds to a vision from which the apostle of the Immaculate must
have benefitted. "Towards the end of his life, shortly before the war,
he said: "One day you will see the statue of the Immaculate in the
center of Moscow, in the highest point of the Kremlin."
And our Father Superior's comment: "Will it be a statue? Will it not be
straightway an apparition of the Immaculate in glory, above the
steeples of the golden domes of the Kremlin, in the eyes of a multitude
of oppressed souls in closed procession making their forced pilgrimage
to the mausoleum of satan?"
During the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, Our Lady of
the Rosary will work an unquestionable miracle, so that in the entire
world it will be visible to the eyes of everyone, and particularly to
the eyes of the heretics, of the schismatics, of the Jews and pagans,
that the conversion of Russia has been obtained through Her
intercession, and which is more, in response to "a solemn and public
act" of the Pastors of the unique and true Church of Jesus Christ. In
February 1946, during a conversation with Sister Lucy, Father Jongen
recalled "the three theses" of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort:
The Reign of Christ will come, through the Reign of Mary, after the
diffusion of true devotion in the world. But Lucy added immediately: ".
. . and after the conversion of Russia."
It is in fact the astonishing miracle of the conversion of that nation,
of its return to the true Roman Catholic faith after so many centuries
of separation, which will manifest the power of the mediation of the
Queen of Heaven and earth. In all the universe, men will be moved,
seized, astonished, amazed to the point of embracing the reparatory
devotion and of singing with a conquering fervor, a lively ardor and
immense joy the glories and merits of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
If the conclusion of the Secret only announces in an explicit way that
the triumph of the Immaculate Heart will be of a universal order, the
whole context implies it without doubt. The Secret has in fact, from
one end to another, a world-wide scope. It reveals a plan of mercy and
salvation for the whole world. In this text, the word, "world", comes
back four times. It is, "in the world" that God wishes to establish
devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. If we do not obey the demands
of Our Lady, it is "the world" which will be punished by God for its
crimes. And it is "throughout the world" that Russia will spread its
errors. It is finally "to the world" that some time of peace will be
given. Also, it is clear that, when Our Lady announces solemnly: "My
Immaculate Heart will triumph", it is a question of universal triumph.
In the luminous conversion of Russia, devotion to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary will extend therefore to the whole Church which will honor Her
in a liturgical devotion, patronized and spread by the hierarchy.
The cult of this gentle and tender Immaculate Heart will prepare the
installation of the glorious reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
throughout the whole earth.
Saint Louis de Montfort, the prophet of Mary's victory in the great
combat of the "last times" whose imminence he foresaw, taught it
"We have not yet praised, exalted, honored, loved and served Mary
enough. She deserves still more praise, still more respect, still more
love and still more service. God wants His Mother at present to be more
known, more loved, more honored than She has ever been . . . Such is
the will of the Most High, Who exalts the humble, is that Heaven,
earth, and Hell bend, with good will or bad will, to the commands of
the humble Mary, Whom He has made Sovereign of Heaven and earth,
General of His armies, Treasurer of His treasures, Dispenser of His
graces, worker of His great marvels, Restorer of the human race,
Mediatrix of men, the exterminator of the enemies of God, and the
faithful companion of His grandeurs and triumphs . .. Yes, as it
is certain, knowledge and the reign of Jesus Christ come into the
world, it will be only a necessary result of the knowledge and reign of
the Most Holy Virgin Mary who sent Him into the world the first time
and who will cause Him to be manifest the second time."
Our prophet announced that in the "last times", only the devotion to
the Immaculate would be able to cure and save men from egoism, pride,
rebellion, hardening of the heart. The message of Fatima teaches us
likewise in the time of the great apostasy, it is devotion to Mary, and
more precisely the practice of reparatory devotion to Her Immaculate
Heart, which will purify them all at the same time from the poison of
error and the seductions of satan, and which will lead them to God.
Father Kolbe, it would seem, without knowing anything about the
revelations of Fatima, knew the mission which God had entrusted to the
Immaculate Virgin in the apocalyptic combat of our century:
"Our age is the age of the Immaculate, he wrote, as others say it is
the age of the Holy Ghost. The serpent raises his head over the whole
earth, but the Immaculate is going to crush him through decisive
victories, although he does not cease to lie in wait for Her heel.
Under the standard of the Immaculate a great battle will be waged, and
we shall have Her banners float over the fortresses of the prince of
"Then heresies and schisms will be extinguished, and hardened sinners,
thanks to the Immaculate, will return to God, towards His Heart full of
love, and all pagans will be Baptised. Thus will be accomplished what
the blessed Saint Catherine Laboure-----to whom the
Immaculate revealed the Miraculous Medal -----had foretold: that is that the
Immaculate will become "the Queen of the whole world" and "of each one
in particular."
In the light of the revelations of Fatima which agree perfectly with
the prophecies of the great apostles of Mary Mediatrix, Saint Louis de
Montfort and Saint Maximilian Kolbe, it is clear that the miraculous
conversion of Russia, far from being an ordinary episode in the history
of the Church, will mark the term of the "last times" and open the
exalting and long period of the spiritual, social and political reign
of the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, a period during which the whole
universe will know the peace and splendors of a new Christianity.
That last word of the Secret necessarily implies the extension of the
reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to the whole world. For war is a chastisement of sin and of
the wickedness of men, whereas
peace is a gracious gift from God which is granted to them when they
convert and submit to the wishes of Heaven. Now, the
revelations of Fatima teach us that this gift of peace God wishes to
grant in our century will come only through the mediation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. On July 13, 1917, shortly before the revelation of
the great Secret, did not Our Lady say to the three seers: "I want you
to continue reciting the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the
Rosary in order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war,
because only She can help you."
From then on, is it not obvious that the beginning of this "time of
peace," announced for the whole world, is connected to a condition sine qua non: the conversion of all nations to the
Catholic Faith and the universal propagation of the liturgical cult of
the Immaculate Heart of Mary, united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus?
To purchase the book in 3 Volumes, THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT FATIMA
from which this piece was adapted, CLICK HERE. You will need to fast
forward once you locate Vol. 1, the last book listed on the first page.
These three volumes are indispensable to any traditional library.
The Church approves Fatima
The Catholic Church has endorsed the Fatima message since
1930. Five successive Popes have publicly indicated their approval of
the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima and Her message. Two Popes went
to Fatima on Pilgrimage. Pope John Paul II went there twice, once on
May 13th, 1982 and again on May 13, 1991.
God Himself endorses Fatima
As a great sign of this whole message truly coming from
God, a marvelous miracle was worked in the sky above Fatima before
70,000 witnesses on October 13,1917, at the time, date and place that
Lucy and the other two children had prophesied in the name of Our Lady
of Fatima.
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