Saint Hilary of
January 14
D. 368
Born at Poitiers, Gaul, of a noble family, he was converted from
paganism to Christianity by his study of the Bible and was Baptized
when well on in years. He had been married before his conversion, and
his wife was still alive when, despite his objections, he was elected
bishop of Poitiers about 350. Almost at once he became involved in the
Arian controversy. He refused to attend a synod at Milan called by
Emperor Constantius in 355, at which the bishops present were required
to sign a condemnation of St. Athanasius, and was condemned for his
orthodoxy by the synod of Beziers in 356, presided over by Arian Bishop
Satuminus of Arles and composed mainly of Arian bishops. Later in the
year he was exiled by the Emperor to Phrygia. He was so successful in
refuting Arianism at a council of Eastern bishops at Seleucia in 359
and in encouraging the clergy to resist the heresy that the Arians
requested the Emperor to send him back to Gaul. The Emperor ended his
banishment and ordered him back to Gaul in 360. A synod he was
instrumental in convoking, deposed and excommunicated Satuminus; in
361, the death of Constantius ended the Arian persecution of the
Catholics. In 364, Hilary held a public dispute at Milan with
Auxentius, the Arian usurper of that see, and was ordered from Milan by
Auxentius' protector, Emperor Valentinian. Hilary died at Poitiers,
probably on November 1. Hilary was one of the leading and most
respected theologians of his times. He wrote numerous treatises,
notable among which were his De
Trinitate [written while he was in exile against the Arians], De synodis, and Opus historicum. He was derlared a
Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius IX in 1851.

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