St. Teresa of Avila
October 15
Born at Avila, Castile, Spain, on March 28, the daughter of Alonso
Sanchez de Cepeda and his second wife, Beatrice Davila y Ahumada, she
was educated by Augustinian nuns but was forced to leave their convent
at Avila in 1532 because of ill health. Long attracted to the religious
life, she became a Carmelite at Avila in 1536, was professed the next
year, left in 1538 because of illness, but returned in 1540. She
experienced visions and heard voices, 1555-56, which caused her great
anguish until St. Peter of Alcantara became her spiritual adviser in
1557 and convinced her that they were authentic. Despite bitter
opposition, she founded St. Joseph Convent at Avila in 1562 for nuns
who wished to live an enclosed spiritual life rather than the relaxed
style so prevalent in convents of that time. In 1567, Fr. Rubeo, prior
general of the Carmelites, gave her permission to establish other
convents based on the strict rule followed at St. Joseph's; in time she
was to found sixteen convents.
While establishing her second convent, at Medino del Campo, she met a
young friar named John Yepes [John of the Cross], founded her first
monastery for men [the first reform Carmelite monastery] at Duruelo in
1568, and then turned the task of founding Carmelite reformed
monasteries over to John. She traveled all over Spain, tireless in her
struggle to reform the Carmelites, but violent opposition from the
calced Carmelites developed, and at a general chapter of the Carmelites
at Piacenza in 1575 Fr. Rubeo put strict restrictions on her reforming
group. For the next five years a bitter struggle took place within the
Carmelites until in 1580, Pope Gregory XIII, at the instigation of King
Philip II, recognized the Discalced Reform as a separate province.
During these turbulent years, while traveling all over Spain, Teresa
wrote letters and books that are widely regarded as classics of
spiritual literature, among them her Autobiography
[1565], The Way of Perfection
[1573], and Interior Castle [1577].
One of the great mystics of all times, she was intelligent, hardheaded,
charming, deeply spiritual, and successfully blended a highly active
life with a life of deep contemplation. She died at Alba de Tormes,
Spain, on October 4 [October 14 by the Gregorian calendar, which went
into effect the next day and advanced the calendar ten days], and was
canonized in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. She was declared a Doctor of the
Church in 1970 by Pope Paul VI.
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