St. Matildis
St. Matildis
March 14
St. Matildis is also known as St. Maud. She was the Queen of Germany
and died on March 14, 968. Our Saint was born a noble, the daughter of
Theodoric, a powerful Saxon count. Her parents, being sensible that
piety is the only true greatness, placed her very young in the
monastery of Erford, of which her grandmother Maud was then abbess. She
remained in that house till her parents married her to Henry, son of
Otho, Duke of Saxony, in 913. Her husband, surnamed the Fowler, from
his fondness for hawking, became Duke of Saxony in 916 and in 919 was
chosen King of Germany. Whilst he, by his arms, checked the insolence
of the Hungarians and Danes and enlarged his dominions, Maud gained
domestic victories over her spiritual enemies. It was her delight to
visit, comfort and exhort the sick, to serve and instruct the poor,
teaching them the advantages of their state, from the example of
Christ; and to afford her charitable succours to prisoners, procuring
them their liberty where motives of justice would permit it, or at
least easing the weight of their chains by liberal alms; but her chief
aims was to make them shake off their sins, by sincere repentance. Her
husband, edified by her example, concurred with her in every pious
After twenty-three years' marriage, God was pleased to call the king to
Himself by an apoplectic fit in 936. Maud, during his sickness, went to
the church to pour forth her soul in prayer for him. As soon as she
understood, by the tears of the people, that he had expired she cut off
the jewels which she wore and gave them to the priest, as a pledge that
she renounced from that moment the pomp of the world.
She had three sons: Otho, afterwards emperor; Henry Duke of Bavaria;
and St. Bruno, Archbishop of Cologne. Maud, in the contest between her
two elder sons for the crown which was elective, favoured Henry, who
was the younger. These two sons conspired to strip her of her dowry on
the unjust pretense that she had squandered away the revenues of the
state on the poor. This persecution was long and cruel, coming from all
that was most dear to her in this world. The unnatural princes at
length repented of their injustice, and restored all that had been
taken from her. She then became more liberal in her alms than ever, and
founded many churches, with five monasteries; of which the principal
were that of Folden, in the duchy of Brunswick, in which she maintained
three thousand monks, and that of Quedlinbourg in the duchy of Saxony.
In her last sickness she made her confession to her grandson William,
the Archbishop of Mentz, who yet died twelve days before her, on his
road home. She again made a public confession before the priests and
monks of the place, received a second time the last Sacraments, and
lying on a sackcloth with ashes on her head, died on the 14th of March
in 968.

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