St. Louis de Montfort
April 28
1673- 1716
Born on January 31 of poor parents at Montford, France, he was
educated at the Jesuit college in Rennes and was ordained there in
1700. He became a chaplain in a hospital at Poitiers, but his
reorganization of the hospital staff there caused such resentment that
he resigned. Before leaving, he organized a group of women into what
became the congregation of the Daughters of Divine Wisdom. His
missionary preaching to the poor caused his critics to complain to the
bishop of Poitiers, who forbade him to preach in his diocese. He went
to Rome, was named missionary apostolic by Pope Clement XI, and began
preaching missions in Brittany, which he was to continue until his
death. Though his sermons aroused much opposition for their
emotionalism, he was tremendously sucssful, particularly in fostering
devotion to Mary and the Rosary; he wrote his
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
to foster this devotion, and it achieved great popularity. In 1715, he
organized several priests into a group that developed into the
Missionaries of the Company of Mary. He died at Saint-Laurent-sur-S
France, and was canonized in 1947. He also wrote the Catholic
Secret of Mary.

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