Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr
July 6
ST. MARIA [MARIETTA] GORETTI was born at Corinaldo,
Italy, in 1890, into a poor family of farm laborers. Her father, Luigi,
moved the family to Ferriere di Conca, not far from Nettuno in the
Roman Campagna. Luigi Goretti died in 1896, and his wife had to work
hard in the fields to support the family of six children.
On July 5, 1902, Maria was attacked in her home by eighteen-year-old
Alessandro Serenelli. Alessandro was the son of her father's partner
and lived in the Goretti's house. Maria, not quite twelve years old,
was dragged into one of the bedrooms by Alessandro. She resisted his
advances, teling him what he was about to do was a sin, but he stabbed
her repeatedly with a long dagger. Maria was rushed to the hospital,
and as she lay dying, she prayed that Alexander would be forgiven and
her family would be provided for.
The parish priest, Father Signori, brought Holy Viaticum to Maria in
the morning and the priest asked her explicitly if she pardoned
Alessandro out of love for Jesus. Without a moment's hesitation,
Marietta replied, "Yes, so do I pardon him for love of Jesus, and I
wish him to join me in Paradise." That these words were spoken without
any hesitation was proved by the fact that to all those who later asked
her about pardoning Alessandro, she promptly and firmly replied, "May
God forgive him as I have already forgiven him!"
Her face lit up with exquisite joy when she received Our Lord for the
last time. She had so longed to receive Holy Communion that day.
Her death profoundly moved the people of Italy and stirred worldwide
notice. Alessandro was sentenced to thirty years in prison and remained
unrepentant. One night, however, he had a dream of Maria gathering
flowers and offering them to him. He became a changed man and was
released from prison after twenty-seven years because of good conduct.
He went to live with the Capuchin Fathers a few years later and said
the Rosary daily and urged others to refrain from impure books and
pictures, fully acknowledging his crime and sin. He even testified on
behalf of her beatification. Alessandro Serenelli was alive when Maria
was canonized on July 25, 1950, by Pope Pius XII. He died on May 6,
1969, calling her name "Maria!"
Prayer to Saint Maria Goretti
O Saint Maria Goretti, who, strengthened by God's grace, did not
hesitate, even at the age of twelve, to shed thy blood and sacrifice
life itself to defend thy virginal purity, deign to look graciously on
the unhappy human race which has strayed far from the path of eternal
salvation. Teach us all, and especially youth, with what courage and
promptitude we should flee, for the love of Jesus, anything that could
offend Him or stain our souls with sin. Obtain for us from our Lord
victory in temptation, comfort in the sorrows of life, and the grace
which we earnestly beg of thee . . . and may we one day enjoy with thee
the imperishable glory of Heaven. Amen.
Father, Hail Mary,
be the the Father, etc.

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