Saints and Silence:
In general this is what the Saints and those known to be holy say,
and you will note the exceptions, situations when speaking up

is required for
the good of the salvation souls, when the faith is in danger, for
The heavenly Father has spoken one Word: It was His Son. And He speaks
it eternally in an eternal silence. And it is in silence that it can be
heard by the soul. [Cf. Wisdom 18:1415.]
Saint John of The Cross, Watchword 217
Preserve spiritual peace by lovingly gazing upon God. If you must
speak, do so with the same calm and peace.
Saint John
of The Cross, Watchword 198
What is most
necessary for our
advancement is to silence our appetites and our tongue. The language He
understands the
best is the silence of love.
Saint John of The Cross, Watchword 253

you keep the the presence of God, the Lord will keep you. But if you do
not keep silence, He will not keep your soul.
If you keep it, you will keep humility, meekness, obedience and

must keep silence to hear the enemy when he comes.
Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified
Silence is the guardian of the heart's peace and the soul's purity.
Saint Peter Julian Eymard
The virtues of evangelical childhood develop in the shade of
humility. Let us cultivate these virtues; at the Christ Child's manger,
let us learn Divine obedience, simplicity, love of silence, the taste
for the interior life, indifference regarding our comfort, patience in
privation, and self-sacrifice. Then we will love, and we will be loved.
Fr. Theodore Ratisbonne
It is better that scandal should occur than to hide the truth.
Pope Saint Gregory the Great
Keep silence like a golden cross destined to preserve the treasure of
the other virtues. Whoever keeps his tongue, keeps his soul.
Saint Paul of the Cross

"Her great method was silence. She had learned this from the Blessed
Virgin, whose example enchanted her, above all when She preferred to be
suspect rather than excuse Herself with saint Joseph by revealing to
him the mystery of the Incarnation ... Like Mary, she loved to keep all
things in her heart, her joys and sorrows alike. This reserve was her
strength and the starting point of her perfection, just as it was the
visible character which distinguished her from others by her great
Testimony of
Celine [Sr. Genevieve] during the Apostolic Process.
"I warn you that the devil is setting snares for you at all times:
therefore, advise you to keep silent. If you have spoken useless
words, as soon as possible seek a suitable place to recite a Hail Mary
and humbly beg God's
Our Lord to Saint Bridget

A perfect mortification is to avoid speaking without having to, for
that is a great fault in a Christian soul. We must fear, we must avoid
useless conversations because of the sins we commit in them and the
time we waste in them.
St. Teresa of Avila
