St. Alphonsus Mary de Liguori, Doctor of the Church WORKS ON LINE-----------------------------BIO-SKETCH WORKS ON LINE: COMPLETE WORKS ONLINE------------------EXCERPTED WORKS ONLINE PRAYERS-----------------------------------CHRISTMAS, OTHER Complete Works Online AVE MARIA, The Fountain of Catholic Knowledge NATURAL CALAMITIES, DIVINE THREATS AND THE FOUR GATES OF HELL UNIFORMITY WITH GOD'S WILL Excerpted Works Online THE MERCY OF GOD, THE ABUSE OF THE GOD'S MERCY, AND THE DELUSIONS OF THE DEVIL VISITS TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT THE PRACTICE OF THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST RECOLLECTION, THE TENTH STEP TO HOLINESS Meditations for Advent: The Eternal Word is Made Man, Part 1 The Eternal Word is Made Man, Part 2 The Eternal Word is Made Man, Part 3 The Eternal Word is Made Man, Part 4 The Eternal Word Being Great Becomes Little, Part 1 The Eternal Word Being Great Becomes Little, Part 2 The Eternal Word From Being Lord Became a Servant, Part 1 The Eternal Word From Being Lord Became a Servant, Part 2 The Eternal Word Becomes as it Were Guilty Part 1 The Eternal Word Becomes as it Were Guilty Part 2 The Eternal Word Becomes as it Were Guilty Part 3 The Eternal Word Became Weak Part 1 The Eternal Word Became Weak Part 2 The Eternal Word Has Made Himself Ours Part 1 The Eternal Word Has Made Himself Ours Part 2 Discourse on the Name of Jesus, Part 1 Discourse on the Name of Jesus, Part 2 Discourse on the Name of Jesus, Part 3 The Goodness of God The Grandeur of the Mystery of the Incarnation The Love of God for Men The Word Made Man in the Fullness of Time The Abasement of Jesus Jesus Enlightens the World and Glorifies God The Son of God Laden with All Our Iniquities God Send His Son to Die and Restore Us to Life The Love of the Son of God in the Redemption Jesus, the Man of Sorrows from the Womb of His Mother Jesus Charged with the Sins of the Whole World Jesus Suffers His Whole Life Jesus Wished to Suffer So Much to Gain Our Hearts The Greatest Sorrow of Jesus The Poverty of the Infant Jesus Jesus Is the Fountain of Grace Jesus Is the Charitable Physician of Our Souls We Should Hope All Things from the Merits of Jesus Christ THE PASSION OF CHRIST: The Sight of our Sins Afflicted Jesus from the First Moment of His Life The Desire that Jesus had to Suffer for Us The Seven Words Spoken by Jesus Christ on the Cross The Hope Which We Have in the Death of Jesus Christ NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART: ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI THE DIGNITY AND DUTIES OF THE PRIEST BY LIGUORI: DEVOTION
TO MOST HOLY MARY NECESSARY FOR PRIESTS MARY, HOPE OF SINNERS MARY, QUEEN OF MARTYRS VARIOUS PRACTICES AND DEVOTIONS IN HONOR THE DIVINE MOTHER THE VIRTUES OF MARY THE GLORIES OF MARY THE CHARITY OF MARY IN TWO PARTS THE CHASTITY OF MARY MARY, OUR LIFE, OBTAINS FOR US PERSEVERANCE MARY, OUR LIFE AND OUR SWEETNESS PART 1 MARY, OUR LIFE AND OUR SWEETNESS PART 2 MARY, OUR LIFE AND OUR SWEETNESS PART 3 PRAYERS BY ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI TO THE SORROWFUL MOTHER Excerpts, Prayers and Other: Mary, Our Life and Sweetness Part 1 Mary, Our Life and Sweetness Part 2 Mary, Our Life and Sweetness Part 3 Prayers to Our Lady: Prayer of Hope Prayer of Confidence Prayer of Refuge A Sinner's Prayer Prayer for Past Ingratitude Prayer to the Mother of Mercy ASPIRATIONS OF LOVE TO JESUS CHRIST ACCLAMATIONS TO MARY 1 ACCLAMATIONS TO MARY 2 Prayers to Mary from the Writings [The Glories of Mary]: PRAYER OF CONFIDENCE IN MARY DEDICATION OF ONE'S SELF TO MARY DEDICATION OF A FAMILY TO MARY PRAYER FOR PERSEVERANCE PRAYER FOR LOVE OF JESUS AND MARY PRAYER FOR A HAPPY DEATH ASPIRATIONS FROM THE SAINTS AND HOLY MEN PRAYER TO OUR MOTHER PRAYER TO OUR LADY BASED ON ST. BONAVENTURE AND ST. JOHN BERCHMANS PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN BY ST. EPHREM PRAYER OF ST. THOMAS AQUINAS PRAYER OF THE DEVOUT BLOSIUS TRADITIONAL ASPIRATIONS DISCOURSE ON THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHRISTMAS------OTHER: DARTS OF FIRECHRISTMAS HYMNS: ODE ON THE BIRTH OF OUR SAVIOR THE MADONNA'S LULLABY ST. JOSEPH ADDRESSING THE DIVINE CHILD JESUS TO THE INFANT JESUS IN THE CRIB TO THE INFANT JESUS The Litany of St. Alphonse Liguori BIO-SKETCH: St. Alphonsus Mary de Liguori, Doctor of the Church August 2 1696-1787 Born on September 21 at Marianelli near Naples, Italy, the son of a captain of the royal galleys, he received his doctorate in both canon and civil law at the University of Naples when only sixteen and practiced law very successfully for the next eight years. He abandoned the practice of law when through an oversight he lost an important case, decided to become a priest, joined the Oratorians, and was ordained in 1726. He served as a missionary around Naples for two years, taught for a year, and in 1730, at the invitation of Bishop Thomas Falcoia, whom he had met while teaching, he went to Castellamare. During a nuns' retreat he was conducting at Scala, he met Sister Mary Celeste and became convinced that her vision of a new religious order, which coincided with a vision Bishop Falcoia had experienced earlier in Rome, was genuine, and reorganized her convent according to the rule she had been given in the vision in 1731, thus founding the Redemptorines. He moved to Scala and n 1732 organized the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer [the Redemporists], devoted to mission work, and using a hospice of the nuns at Scala for headquarters, with Bishop Falcoia as nominal superior. Dissension broke out almost immediately; Sister Mary Celeste left and founded a convent at Foggia, and in 1733 all the members of Alphonsus' group except one lay brother left to found their own congregation. New postulants were recruited, and in 1734 a second foundation was made at Villa degli Schiavi, and Alphonsus went there to live. In 1738 Scala had to be abandoned after Villa degli Schiavi had been closed the previous year. Despite all the difficulties, the congregation grew, and in 1743, on the death of Bishop Falcoia, a general council elected Alphonsus superior; Pope Benedict XIV approved the rule of the men in 1749 and of the women the following year. During this time Alphonsus was personally active in preaching missions in rural areas and small villages but was increasingly devoting himself to writing. He refused an appointment to the see of Palermo but in 1762 was obliged to accept appointment as bishop of Sant' Agata dei Goti. He inaugurated a program designed to reform the clergy, monasteries, and the entire diocese, and worked to alleviate the condition of the poor and the ignorant. Ill and inflicted with rheumatism that left him paralyzed until his death, he resigned his see in 1775 and retired to Nocera. Meanwhile, during this entire period, he had been engaged in running disputes with the anticlerical Marquis Bernard Tanucci, who governed Naples, 1734-76, as Prime Minister of Charles III of Spain, who had conquered Naples in 1734. Check to order Tramadols Tanucci refused to grant royal approval for the Redemptorists and constantly threatened to suppress Alphonsus' congregation as disguised Jesuits (the Jesuits had been expelled from Spanish domains in 1767). In 1780, with a new governor in power, Alphonsus was tricked into signing and submitting for royal approval a new rule that completely altered his own rule, which had been papally approved in 1750; when this fraudulent role was approved by the King at Naples, a storm burst around Alphonsus. Pope Pius VI refused to accept the new rule, recognized the Redemptorists in the Papal States as the true Redemptorists, and a new superior was appointed to replace Alphonsus. For the last few years of his life, in addition to his ill health, he experienced deep spiritual depression and he went through a "dark night of the soul." But this period was replaced by a time of peace and light when he experienced visions, ecstasies, made prophecies that were later fulfilled, and reportedly performed miracles. He died on August 1 at Nocera. Alphonsus wrote profusely on moral, theological, and ascetical subjects [notably his Moral Theology], was constantly engaged in combating anticlericalism and Jansenism, and was involved in several controversies over probabilism. His devotional writings were most successful, especially his Glories of Mary. He was canonized in 1839 and was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1871 by Pope Pius IX. Some of his works can be found on line at Catholic Tradition. See Catholic Classics. He is the patron of those with arthritis. HOME |