Second Joyful Mystery:
The Visitation
When she was told by the Angel Gabriel that her aged cousin Elizabeth
would soon have a son, Mary rose up and went with haste into the
mountainous region to visit Elizabeth. The moment she entered the house
and greeted her cousin, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost; and
babe in the womb, St. John the Baptist, was cleansed of Original Sin
and sanctified. Elizabeth cried out, "Blessed art thou among women and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb." And Mary said, "My soul doth magnify
the Lord, my spirit hath rejpiced in God, my Saviour, because he hath
regarded the humility of His handmaiden; for behold from henceforth all
generations shall call me blessed." Mary remained with Elizabeth about
three months, serving her cousin like a humble maid, until after the
birth of St. John.
Consider the love of her neighbour that makes Our Lady share with
others the great blessings she herself has received. You also should
try to be helpful, showing your companions that you carry Jesus in your
heart. Mary heeds no difficulty in her labour of love. When you see so
many around you ignoring God or living in sin, you should forego your
own comfort to perform some humble work for the spiritual advantage of
your neighbour. God's glory demands sacrifices from you.