The Blessings of Mary
Irish Ursulines, 1920 with IMPRIMATUR
Our Lady Consoles a Dying
The Franciscan Chronicles relate the following: A young nobleman named
Adolphus had renounced his principality in order to embrace the poverty
of the Order of St. Francis. He was remarkable for many virtues, but
especially for a great and tender devotion to Our Blessed Lady.
When in his
agony, he
was seized with fear of the
judgment of God,
before Whom he was soon to appear. At this moment the Mother of Mercy
came to visit him with a band of the blessed, and reassured him with
these consoling words: "Why dost thou fear death, my child, having
been always so devoted to my service? Be of good courage. My Son Whom
thou hast served with such great fervour after having sacrificed for
Him all that thou didst possess in this world, will give thee the
recompense merited by thy fidelity." Words which filled him with
consolation and joy, in which state he gave up
his soul to God. How many examples of this kind could we not quote!
Cure of a Child at Lourdes
Lucie Renauld was cured at Lourdes at the age of fourteen, at the time
of a French National Pilgrimage. She had been stricken with paralysis
in her infancy, in consequence of which the growth of her left leg was
stopped. To remedy this defect, Lucie, when four years old, wore a boot
with a high heel. As she grew taller the height of the heel was
gradually increased until it was about two inches. She was able to walk
with the aid of a crutch, and at the age of eleven was placed in
apprenticeship to a flower manufacturer. As years went by one thought
took possession of her mind
if she went to Lourdes she would surely be cured. She could scarcely
hope, however, to see her desire realised, for her father's hostility
religious practices in general, and to those of Lourdes in particular,
was not easy to overcome. Finally, by some innocent little wiles she
managed, without displeasing her father, to be admitted to the National
Pilgrimage. While taking her fourth bath in the piscina she felt a
movement in her shortened limb, and in an instant that member extended
to the length of the other. In her bare feet the overjoyed child walked
round the piscina. When a pair of ordinary shoes had been procured, she
ran about as if she had always done so. The wonder, joy and gratitude
of her relatives and friends when she returned home may be imagined.
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