The Blessings of Mary Taken from A GARLAND FOR OUR LADY Irish Ursulines, 1920 with IMPRIMATUR To the Honor of Mary Immaculate Three hundred years ago, when the Council of Trent was being held, the Pope sent Father James Laynez, a Jesuit, to join that venerable assembly, on account of his great learning and wisdom. The doctrine of Original Sin was then being treated of, and the question was proposed in this holy Council -----which was so visibly inspired by the Holy Ghost-----whether the most Blessed Virgin Mary had been conceived without the stain of Original Sin, or whether, after her conception, she had been sanctified, and freed from the stain common to all the children of Adam. The humble Jesuit was asked his opinion on this matter, and being at that time in a very suffering state, he began by an apology for not being able to speak in a manner befitting so great and important a subject. He rose and stood before the Council, pale and emaciated but a heavenly light shone in his eyes, when he began to speak of the Mystery of our Lady's Immaculate Conception. He spoke with such great fervor and depth of wisdom, that for three whole hours, he kept the Assembly spell-bound under the powerful influence of his arguments. When he ceased, the Fathers of the Council declared "that it was not their intention to include the Holy and Immaculate Mother of God, in the decision they passed concerning Original Sin." Our Blessed Lady amply rewarded the humble defender of her glorious privilege, for she not only obtained for Father Laynez an increase of bodily strength, but also a brilliant flow of convincing arguments; and besides the heavenly light that shone in his countenance, he received the gift of such marvellous eloquence, that on this solemn occasion he spoke as he had never spoken before. Moreover, from that time, he was cured of the fever which had prostrated him, and never had a return of the same illness. Taken from "MARIA SANCTISSIMA" by Rev. Dom Joseph A. Keller, DO., OSB, Imprimatured, 1907. The image of the Immaculate Heart is by C. Bosseron Chambers, early 20th century. You may not download this "restored", enhanced image. HOME-------------------------------MARY'S INDEX |