An unusual amount of praise has been bestowed upon Albert Einstein in the public press since his death a few weeks ago. [Einstein died April 18, 1955---the Web Master]. No doubt much of that praise was warranted, insofar as it honors his discovery of the theory of "relativity", related to measurements in the physical sciences, that are generally accepted by mathematicians and physicists in dealing with things which are perceived by observation.

Einstein's theory of "relativity", applied to philosophy and religion, is cultivated atheism. It furthers the basic principle of Marxism, which was voiced by Joseph Dietzgen, whom Karl Marx introduced to the world as "our philosopher", in these words:---"The fundamental proposition of inductive socialism (which is Marxism) may be formulated thus: There is no eternal principle or an apriori idea of the Divine, just and free. There is no revelation or chosen people" (Philosophical Essays).

It is the principle of "relativity", applied to philosophy and religion, that caused Einstein to deny belief in a personal God; to deny belief in free will; to reject the revealed code of morality, to which man is subject; to be a patron of over a dozen subversive organizations; and to oppose the Catholic Church. It was the application of the Einstein principle of "relativity" to philosophy and religion, that prompted Cardinal O'Connell to dub the theory a "befogged speculation producing universal doubt about God and His creation, that cloaks the ghastly apparition of atheism". This declaration of His Eminence caused Rabbi Herbert Goldstein of N. Y. City to cable Einstein: "Do you believe in God?" To this came the following reply:---"I believe in Spinoza's god who reveals himself in the harmony of what exists, not in a God Who concerns Himself with fates and actions of human beings". It was the advocacy of this pantheistic God that caused Spinoza to be excommunicated, and rightly so, from the synagogue in Amsterdam during the 17th century. One need not be a scientist to realize the absurdity of believing in a god who is of, in, or emanates from matter. Any philosophy based on the Spinoza-Einstein denial of the existence of a personal God, Who is distinct from the universal whole, yet all its parts are dependent upon Him, is contrary to right reason, for it has not a rational leg to stand upon.
It is the Einstein anti-religious principle that logically led him to declare in the Forum Magazine, "I do not believe we have any freedom at all in the philosophical sense ... I cannot imagine a God Who rewards and punishes the objects of His creation".

It was the Red-Redism in Einstein, based upon his anti-God philosophy, that prompted him to protest against the conviction of the Communist lawyers by Judge Medina, who were guilty of endeavoring to intimidate the jury, etc., during the trial of the eleven Communist Party leaders, convicted of conspiracy to overthrow the U. S. Government.

It was the Red-Redism in Einstein that prompted him to protest against the deportation of Hans Eisler, advocate of violent overthrow of the U.S. Government; to protest against the discharge of the University of California professors who refused to declare that they were not affiliated with the Communist Party; and to sign a declaration in honor of Georgi Dimitrov, head of the Communist International.

It was the Red-Redism in Einstein that caused him to come to the defense of the appointment of Bertrand Russell to the faculty of the City College of New York. This Einstein protest was against the citizens who opposed the appointment of that thrice married individual, who had declared that "University life would be bettered if most of the students had temporary childless marriages, so as to satisfy the sexual urge ...".

It was the Red-Redism in Einstein that prompted him to call upon "the teachers of religion to have the stature to give up the doctrine of a personal God, to give up that source of fear and hope which in the past placed such power into the hands of priests" (Time magazine, Sept. 23, 1940).
It was the Red-Redism in Einstein that caused him to actively lineup with the Spanish, so-called "Loyalists" in many of their Communist-inspired groups.

It was the Red-Redism of that 20th century Spinoza that caused him to withdraw from the "Albert Einstein Foundation Committee", organized to raise money for the erection of a University in Waltham, Mass., when the majority of the Committee refused to elect Marxist Harold Laski, President of the British Rationalist Free Press Assn., as head of the proposed University. This resulted in that Jewish built institution of learning being named "The Brandeis University", instead of the "Albert Einstein University", as originally intended.

It was the Red-Redism of Israeli's premier, Ben Guiron, that caused him to offer his fellow-believer in "the god of Spinoza" the presidency of that Jewish State. This Einstein declined, partly on account of age; though this modern Spinoza agreed to naming the first Jewish Medical School in the U.S.A., "The Albert Einstein College of Medicine" (March 1953).

It was the Red-Redism in this modern Spinoza that moved him to voluntarily arise in a Princeton University Theological gathering after Blanshard's tirade against the Catholic Church, to say to the people assembled, "I wish to express my gratitude to a man (Blanshard) who is fighting abuses of a powerful organization. We are grateful for his efforts." When communicated with regarding that reported declaration, Einstein replied, "I am convinced that some political-social activities of Catholic organizations are detrimental and even dangerous for the community as a whole, here and everywhere. I mention only the fight against birth control ... I shall not go into discussion of other points because Mr. Blanshard has treated everything exhaustively in his publications"; publications that contain the most vicious, bigoted assault upon Catholics, and their Church, that has appeared during recent years.

His favorableness to using nature against nature was not a surprise to those who know of his lineup with the German Socialists and Communists in favor of the abolition of Article 218 of the German Civil Code, that imposed a heavy sentence upon persons guilty of the practice of abortion.

It was the Red-Redism in Einstein that caused him to say, in one of his books (Out of My Years), "while it is true that in the Soviet Union the minority rules, I do not consider that internal conditions there are themselves a threat to world peace. ... If I had been born a Russian, I believe I could have adjusted myself to the situation." After protesting against "the systematic calumnies (against the Soviet Union) in the western press" ... Einstein proceeded to say, that "no doubt the day will come when all nations will be grateful to Russia for having demonstrated for the first time, by vigorous action, the practical possibility of planned economy in spite of great difficulties."

It was the Red-Redism in Einstein that won for him the commendation of the Communist Labor Monthly of England, which rightly declared that "the basic philosophical conception of Marxism has received brilliant confirmation from the theoretical achievement of Einstein." The Praises recently bestowed upon Einstein, the anti-monotheistic Godist, in the synagogues and Jewish press, stand out in striking contrast to the venomous references that emanate from the same sources against Jews who become Catholic; Jews who continue, after their conversion, to pay homage to the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We name only two of the many such pro-Einsteinisms. Rabbi William F. Rosenblum of Temple Israel, New York City, said that "some rare gifted men, such as Einstein, do not need to go through the regimen of formal prayer and ceremonial practice to be deeply spiritual:" And the Jewish Advocate of Boston declared in its column-long editorial, that "Albert Einstein is a modem prophet who communed with the Eternal (capital E) through the power of mathematical deduction," which "is not incompatible with basic monotheism ... " If one may deliberately disregard "formal prayer" and still remain "deeply spiritual," why erect synagogues? Why say the universal Jewish Shema:---"Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, is one Eternal Being" (Deut. 6:4)? One may as well appeal to the Rocky Mountains, or the moon, for an answer to petitions, as to pray to the Spinoza God of Einstein. Of course, not all rabbis are believers in Einstein. Dr. S. M. Maramed said, in his "Spinoza's god (who is Einstein's god) is not the God of Israel ... The throne of Israel's God is in Heaven while that of Spinoza is on earth." Einstein knew that his theory of "relativity" is "incompatible with basic monotheism." He therefore declared that "Judaism is not a faith, but a way of life;" that "the Jewish God is but a negation of superstition; a discreditable attempt to ground morality in fear," which was published in the Jewish Advocate without comment. Dr. David Philipson, of the American Hebrew Congregations, said (to quote in part), "Of course Judaism is a way of life, but a way of life based on unquestioned belief in the existence of God ... Judaism without God is a contradiction in terms." The Catholic Church exposed the falsity of the Spinoza anti-monotheism long before Einstein, the popularizer of it, was born. His Holiness, Pope Pius IX condemned it in an Allocution delivered in Rome in which he said, to quote in part:---"With a perversity only equaled by their folly, they (the Pantheists) venture to assert that the Supreme All-Wise, All-Provident Deity has no existence apart from the visible universe, that God and nature are the same, and similarly subject to change; that God is modified in man and the world; and that everything is God and possesses the very substance of the Divinity."

"But God and the world being one and the same thing, there is no difference between spirit and matter, necessity and liberty, truth and falsehood, good and evil, right and wrong. In truth nothing can be imagined more insane, impious and irrational than this teaching."


