Saint Basil and Saint Bede Those who had separated themselves from the Church no longer had upon them the grace of the Holy Ghost, for it ceased to be imparted when the continuity was broken. St. Basil the Great Beelzebub rules untroubled in the hearts of the unbelieving. This can also be understood of any heretic or any schismatic. St. Bede the Venerable He who will not willingly and humbly enter the gate of the Church will certainly be damned and enter the gate of Hell whether he wants to or not! St. Bede the Venerable Without this faith, without this confession, no one can enter the kingdom of Heaven. St. Bede the Venerable Choose for fathers and guides on the path to Heaven only those whose faith is of the Catholic Church. St. Basil the Great Choose for fathers and guides on the path to Heaven only those whose faith is of the Catholic Church. St. Basil the Great Without this faith, without this confession, no one can enter the kingdom of Heaven. St. Bede the Venerable The knowledge of the dogmas of the faith of Christ is necessary for everyone who earnestly desires the salvation of his soul. St. Robert Bellarmine It is necessary for us to avoid the many and subtle snares of the gates of Hell with all watchfulness, in order that we may enter into the joys of the Heavenly City ... The gates of Hell are evil doctrines which, by seducing the unwary, drag them down to Hell. The gates of Hell are also ... the evil works of unbelievers, because they open the way to perdition. St. Bede the Venerable DOWNLOAD THE BACKGROUND IMAGE AS A DESKTOP HOME
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