HOW TO BE HAPPY We all want to be happy. We all seek happiness in a thousand different ways but we forget to look for it in the only place it can be found. Riches and glory and the goods of this life cannot guarantee happiness, nor, can they save us from evils and sorrows. No friend can take from us the fear and the danger of death. God and God alone can give happiness in life and in death. He is the best of Fathers, the dearest of Friends. He wishes to give us happiness and He solemnly promises to give it to all who are devoted to His Sacred Heart. Read His Promises, their meaning is clear. Jesus promises clearly to help us in our difficulties, to console us in our sorrows, to bless our undertakings, to give everyone the helps and graces necessary for their position in life. He promises the mother, the husband, the doctor, the lawyer, the priest---every one---the graces necessary, for the perfect fulfillment of their individual duties. What more could we ask for? HOW CAN WE BE DEVOTED TO THE SACRED HEART Here are a few things that everyone can do without the slightest difficulty. They will fill us with peace and consolation and obtain for us countless blessings. 1. Wear a medal or badge of
Sacred Heart.
2. Enthrone in your home a large picture of the Sacred Heart. 3. Read the short prayer of confidence. 4. Repeat every day as often as possible, the ejaculation: "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee!" "Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come!" It is impossible that Our Lord can refuse to hear us if we thus storm His Sacred Heart. 5. Lastly, we shall give great pleasure to the Sacred Heart by offering Him, with patience and resignation, our work, our sorrows, and our difficulties, whatever they may be. We shall thus transform our most ordinary actions into works of great merit and our pains and troubles will win for us an eternal reward. It is recommended to receive Holy Communion frequently, every day, when possible. Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque AN ADMIRABLE COUNSEL We call special attention to the 11th Promise in which Our Lord declares that He will write on His Sacred Heart, never to be effaced, the names of those who propagate devotion to His Sacred Heart. What a grace! This we all can easily do: a) by spreading this page among as many persons as possible, urging them to do what is suggested herein. b) by recommending the inspiring book written by Father Mateo, SS. CC., "Jesus, King of Love." [Back in print but by a Sedevacantist organization, used copies run as high as 75 US dollars elsewhere.] Nihil Obstat: Fr. Conradlnus Wallbraun, O.F.M. Censor Librorum Imprimi Potest: Fr. Eligius Weir, OF.M. Minister Provlncialis IMPRIMATUR: Jan. 5, 1953 SAMUEL CARDINAL STRITCH. D.D. Arcbbishop of Chicago HOME---------------------------CHRIST |