by Pauly Fongemie
June 21, 2015
With great sorrow and trepidation of heart and soul, I learned
yesterday that our local parish, dedicated to the great Jesuit, St.
Francis Xavier, who spent his life Baptizing thousands into the one and
only true religion, Roman Catholicism, is no more.
The buildings, as St. Athanasius said to his flock in exile from foul
Arianism which invaded the Church in his time, are still there, but the
the holy, and necessarily Traditional Catholic Faith has been subverted
subsumed into all the false, heathen, ISMs and related
pagan religions, otherwise known as THE ONE WORLD RELIGION, which today
is effectively the man-made religion of eco-pantheism.
As one enters the side vestibule he is greeted by a large poster, which
is visible from the parking lot and at first glance from that distance
it appears to be an occult banner of some sort with strange symbols
arranged in circles around a larger circle.
Upon closer scrutiny the inner circle contains the words, "The Golden
Rule", and radiating outward are citations from all the "religions" of
the world, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Native American Spirituality, a
plea for saving the earth, among others, including Islam. Oh, and of
course, no mention of Roman Catholicism, which is further eclipsed by
the over-arching panoply called "Christianity", a misnomer at the very
least, for Catholicism is Christianity, but not all those claiming to be Christians are Catholics, so
once again Catholicism is just one of many many valid "religions" all
worthy of being included for consideration, by virtue of the very
import of the poster.
In an earlier time when ordinary Catholics still had their bona fide
Catholic wits about them, this sort of brazen scandal would have been
seen for what it is, treason! But then, too, is there anything reeking of the name, scandal, that could possibly qualify any longer?
What ever could be the meaning for this poster, authorized by
the pastor, a known Obama supporter and Francis, Bishop of Rome
enthusiast? If words mean anything at all any more, then surely this
amalgam is precisely that, a deliberate mixture of false belief or
error with Truth and the Catholic Faith, revealed by Christ. Among the
ISMs, the Judaism quote is the exception as it comes from the Old
Now, none of the sayings - quotes - from each radiating circle, are
offensive in of themselves, but surely if we are looking for
inspiration to uplift us, ought not the thousands and thousands of
edifying citations from our venerable Saints and Martyrs be the
appropriate and Catholic source, if we were still totally Catholic, that is?
To do as this impertinent poster does says but one thing clearly, all
religions are more or less equal, and because they are, we are free to
find spiritual benefit therein.
I will cite from the circle featuring the Star and the Crescent, ISLAM, and an adage of the prophet Mohammed:
"None of you will have belief until you wish for others what you wish for yourselves."
This sounds like the same nonsense - completely unCatholic - nowhere to
be found in any words from Christ and the Apostles, or the Saints - and
irrelevant to salvation, we have become used to from Rome, sacked and
in ruins, conquered by the vandals, Kasper and "Company", so admired by
Francis, Bishop of that ancient city. Only a little more elevated,
actually, if one compares this line with the typical ones found in the
encyclical on the environment. One of the "Company" these days, is none
other, hold on tight if you are not sitting in a chair with side arms,
than Prof. H. Schellnhuber, advocate of a supreme global government, population control extremist, and now appointed by Francis as a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences!!!!
Part of the extremism is to condemn anyone who disagrees with the
agenda and even more with all the sham, politicized or junk science, as
the renowned climatologist and former NASA scientist, Roy Spencer has
exposed. You are labeled,
the earth forbid! a DENIER, as in denying the HOLOCAUST, which are not
related, except that the global alarmists want to practice genocide to
save their goddess, Mother Earth. Fifty percent of real scientists,
while admitting there is climate change, because the earth, since
Original Sin, has always known climate change, which is normal, also
agree that there is no validity to the extremists' claims or that man's
activity can have a substantial impact. But the world religion of
eco-paganism is so doctrinaire, no one is allowed to dissent. It is now
"a moral imperative". Now or never! The alarmists conveniently neglect
to mention in the interest of full disclosure that one of their own was
predicting global starvation, including the United States by the year
2009, just a couple of decades earlier. When that failed to materialize, the silence was deafening!
There is irony, of course, because Francis avers that climate change,
without sweeping UN-endorsed policy will harm the poor the most. With
that draconian policy it will be the very same poor who will be not
only harmed the most, they will be annihilated! For surely Schellnhuber [literally, noisy land] does
not mean that the academy, the elites and those of his ilk will be
slated for extermination, but the poor, who are most apt to be
considered least worthy of survival as all population control demons
have done so in the past and today no less. And since when does the Roman Pontiff take his theology from the UN????
The UN is anti-Catholic and anti-life to its core, it is the conception
of Freemasonry, itself, its very apotheosis in action. That Francis
does not see or if he does, is not concerned would be inexplicable, if
we did not have the dire warnings of Our Lady of Fatima for
perspective, that is, the apostasy in the Church beginning at the top, the punishment by God for disobedience to the Mother of Christ.
It would be incomprehensible to anyone with any sense of the Catholic Faith at all, that Francis would
appoint such a cretin to the Pontifical Academy, if one had not also reckoned with the modern Papacy as it is. Francis is the culmination of the deliberate degradation of Tradition,
as the pastor of this decrepit, forlorn, parish, Fr. Frank [Francis],
is the culmination of those seminaries that were turned over to
perverts and heretics to run, and which produced priests who are
confused at best about the Faith or what constitutes the bare necessity
for salvation. Nowhere does Tradition play a primary role, if at all.
Where and when it might it is because that aspect of Tradition does not
explicitly interfere with the
goals of Modernism, i.e., the adaptation of the Faith to the modern age
and all its unCatholic pipers, preferred to our Sainted popes, and
those who upheld Tradition.
It is noteworthy to know that Fr. Francis is responsible for an
offshoot of the radical Boston mosque [terrorist support], to be established in Augusta. If
he had not signed on with the other clergy, who had to give approval, that
mosque would not be viable. Imagine! Approval for such a blasphemous
sect in our midst. Instead of converting the heathen and others to the
True Faith, he is assisting a false "religion" which wants to radicalize
our nation! Father Francis, dutiful son of Francis of Rome, seems to
be susceptible to the fear of being called an Islamophobe rather than the
operation of grace whereby he rigorously defends the Faith and our nation
as befitting the virtue of patria.
In times like these, any Catholic parish worth its salt would likely
have a poster, instead featuring in bold, citations such as:
"The universal Church of the faithful is one outside of which none is saved."
- Pope Innocent III, ex cathedra, Fourth Lateran Council (1215 AD)
"We declare, say , define, and pronounce
that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human
creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff."
- Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam (1302 AD)
Most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that
none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans,
also Jews, heretics, and schismatics can ever be partakers of eternal
life, but that they are to go into the eternal fire 'which was prepared
for the devil and his Angels' (Mt. 25:41) unless before death they are
joined with Her ... No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no
one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ can be saved
unless they abide within the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church."
- Pope Eugene IV, ex cathedra, Council of Florence, Cantate Domino (1441 AD)
holy universal Church teaches that it is not possible to worship God
truly except in Her and asserts that all who are outside of Her will not
be saved."
-Pope Saint Gregory the Great (590-604)
heart we believe and by mouth confess the one Church, not of heretics
but the Holy Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church outside which we
believe that no one is saved."
- Pope Innocent III, Eius exemplo, 18 December 1208 (DS 423)
see, dearly beloved sons and venerable brothers, how much vigilance is
needed to keep the disease of this terrible evil from infecting and
killing your flocks. Do not cease to diligently defend your people
against these pernicious errors. Saturate them with the doctrine of
Catholic truth more accurately each day. Teach them that just as there
is only one God, one Christ, one Holy Spirit, so there is also only one
truth which is divinely revealed. There is only one divine faith which
is the beginning of salvation for mankind and the basis of all
justification, the faith by which the just person lives and without
which it is impossible to please God and to come to the community of His
children. [Rom 1; Heb 11; Council of Trent, session 6, chap. 8.] There
is only one true, holy, Catholic Church, which is the Apostolic Roman
Church. There is only one See founded in Peter by the word of the
Lord, [St. Cyprian, epistle 43.] outside of which we cannot find either
true faith or eternal salvation. He who does not have the Church for a
mother cannot have God for a father, and whoever abandons the See of
Peter on which the Church is established trusts falsely that he is in
the Church. [St. Cyprian, de unitat. Eccl.] Thus, there can be no greater
crime, no more hideous stain than to stand up against Christ, than to
divide the Church engendered and purchased by His blood, than to forget
evangelical love and to combat with the furor of hostile discord the
harmony of the people of God. [St. Cyprian, epistle 72.]"
- Blessed Pope Pius IX, Singulari Quidem, #4, 17 March 1856
"Some say they are not bound by the
doctrine which teaches that the Mystical Body of Christ and the Roman
Catholic Church are one and the same thing. Some reduce to a meaningless
formula the necessity of belonging to the true Church in order to gain
eternal salvation. Others finally belittle the reasonable character of
the credibility of Christian Faith. These and like errors, it is clear,
have crept in among certain of our sons who are deceived by imprudent
zeal for souls or by false science."
- Venerable Pope Pius XII, Humani Generis, #27, 12 August 1950
I need say no more.