by Pauly Fongemie, August 14, 2015
Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The public debate on Planned Parenthood, to defund or not defund rages
on with more heat and less light with each passing phase. It has now
reached fever pitch to the point of what I call primal fanaticism, or
irrationality in operation. What do I mean?
Yesterday a well known pundit, who should know better actually, exhibited prima facie
case # 1. She insisted [rightly] that the grisly collection of baby
parts after or during an abortion was a violation of the baby's
dignity; however, in the same sentence she declared that "a woman's
'right to choose' under Roe v Wade ought to be protected ..."
My goodness! How is that again??!
Let's see, the dead or dying baby has a right to dignity, which is
being unjustly violated, but she sees no contradiction at the very
least, that the baby's right to life is being taken from him in another
grisly, depraved act, even more heinous than the first.
In other words, how can a baby or "fetus" to use the Latin, have rights
to not be mutilated for profit if it is for the sake of utilizing his
parts in research, illegally, unless the same baby is a
human being in the first place? Things do not have dignity as they have
no soul. People do, however small.
How can it be said, sanely, that the child in utero has
no right to life, but the right to be spared such disgraceful assaults
on his body? Certainly his slaughter for profit or not is the ultimate
assault, is it not?
What this woman demonstrated was primal fanaticism: she is committed to
the cause of abortion as moral, the willed destruction of an innocent
human being, but she reserves the right unto herself to draw the line
at the harvesting of his remains as if it deserves moral outrage as an
act more unworthy of endorsement than his cruel execution!!!!
Blind fanaticism! She cannot see that she no longer sees, yet she proffers herself as a proper commentator for the public good!
Yet, we the people are partly to blame for we have allowed ourselves to
be become comfortable with this kind of repulsive, scandalous
contradiction as part and parcel of every day discourse, or what passes
for discourse, that is.
For shame, for shame!
We have lost the ability to reason rightly, without which our judgments
tend to be unreliable as they rest on emotion in lieu of sound
This commentator fails LOGIC 101, resoundingly! And if we let her get away with it, so do we!
A corollary of this unmitigated insanity is the Connecticut judge who
put a unilateral end to the death penalty in that state as it was
unjust and cruel.
Where is the judge to unilaterally put surcease to the unjust death
penalty imposed on tiny babies who are innocent of any crime
Probably when Hell freezes over!
As I have said before, everything is upside down now and then some!
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