Part 2
The Nuanced Subtlety of Modernism: The Denial of Original Sin
by Pauly Fongemie
October 14, 2012
The priest, now retired, but still helping the local parish on Sundays,
is a known modernist of some skill with rhetoric joined to an ever
ready sense of wit. Perhaps he thinks we are witless dolts ripe for
deCatholicizing. He was back at his "mission" full blown this time,
with the denial of Original Sin. Oh, he is quite clever as many a
modernist who is nothing if not a pragmatist, can be. Material
heretics, who are innocently in error, e.g. invincibly ignorant, have
no need of cunning, the manipulation of language. But the heretic who
wants to be one and knows what the Church teaches, must make use of
devious artistry in order to have a plausible deniability if and when
caught. "I am so misunderstood."
The priest never said
there was no such thing as Original Sin up front. He took the
slower, subtle approach through the side door, beginning with his idea
that the revamped translation used in the opening prayer of the Mass
--- actually a return to the proper translation of the original Latin
from years ago --- was not as appropriate as the older [the modern,
banal version, thanks be to God, now discarded]. He said this had
something to do with being dynamic as it fitted the modern age. Right. An age that rejects
Tradition by and large. Well, the older [formerly the new] translation
may be suitable to our age, but not to the human heart which always
longs for God, if it is not disordered. The restored translation is
poetic, lifting up one's heart and soul to Heaven. Could anything be
more suitable, actually? The language of worship and adoration is
elevated for this very reason, rather than the everyday, prosaic, which
implies something less resplendent; ordinarily, we do not speak
in poetic imagery in our daily interaction with one another, etc. We
all know the distinction between a speech and an oration, do we not?
His appeal to the "dynamic" version was the doorway whereby he induced
the parishioners to enter into his deformed, all too imaginary world.
Then he began the assault on the dogma of Original Sin. According to
our wayward "theologian" parts of Genesis are only metaphorical, citing
some passages that are in truth, but not explaining which ones are not
by way of comparison. Thus the easily swayed parishioner is induced to
think that Genesis is a metaphor and not a historical book of the Bible
as the Church teaches. One of the so-called metaphorical passages he
alluded to in a round about manner was the Fall in Eden by our first
parents, Adam and Eve using a verbal sneer. He simply said that some
people think that a snake talked to Eve and after that all "Hell broke
loose," making sure we knew that this was nonsense. He repeatedly threw
in perjoratives, such as "fundamentalists" and flat-earthers, while
condemning past actions of the Church regarding Galileo and company
that were due to a non-scientific understanding of Scripture, that over
the time the Church grew in its understanding of doctrine. Now,
certainly we can come to a deeper understanding of doctrine, but always
with the same meaning and context as before, that is with the mind of
the Church of Christ, watchful guardian that she is, and defender of
the dogmas deposited with her, never changes anything, never diminishes
anything, never adds anything to them; but with all diligence she
treats the ancient documents faithfully and wisely; if they really are
of ancient origin and if the faith of the Fathers has transmitted them,
she strives to investigate and explain them in such a way that the
ancient dogmas of heavenly doctrine will be made evident and clear, but
will retain their full, integral, and proper nature, and will grown
only within their own genus -- that is, within the same dogma, in the
same sense and the same meaning." [Ineffabilis
Deus, Pope Pius IX, December 8, 1854]
To be certain I had neither misheard nor failed to grasp the context
and implication of Father's invective, I approached a gentleman I knew
after Mass, who is not exactly a Traditionalist as this term is
traditionally meant. The first words out of his mouth: "He denied
Original Sin." The man was dejected, sad, but certain. He said that
there was no other way to interpret
the meaning of the priest's words.
Anyway, the priest continued to provide context for his deCatholicizing
the people. He scoffed at some Christians who think they may have at
last discovered the remains of Noah's ark. Father indicated that the
story of Noah was one of the metaphors. How do we know? He added the
line about Noah and later the ark, immediately after saying that there
are metaphors in Genesis. If one wanted to be sure we did not include
Noah as a metaphor, one would certainly have said, words to the effect,
not the story of Noah. I mean, why else add Noah after the line
metaphors? It has to be to imply not so subtly that it is included in
the list, does it not? apart from the aforementioned disclaimer, which
was not forthcoming. Human reason, human nature and the nature of
rhetoric itself.
There was more along the same line, but you get the idea I am sure. If
Father truly did not intend to plant the idea that Original Sin through
the fall of Adam and Eve after tempted by the devil [in the form of a
serpent, whether literal or not] is not a de fide doctrine, then why did he
employ the words, "some people think ... all Hell, broke loose"? After
all, it is not some people as
in the implied fundamentalists, it is the Catholic Church which teaches
this as a dogma, and the Church has sole realm in this regard as She is
the True Church of Jesus Christ, entrusted by Him with the handing down
of the Faith whole and entire, with the protection of the Holy Ghost.
Using the phrase "some people" clearly implies other than the Church,
particularly when combined with the other devious mischief of
phraseology with tag lines to elicit the usual humor. By this time it was no laughing matter.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for
us, pray for him, before it is too late, and he dies a heretic and is
damned ...