![]() VIEW THE IMAGE DEVOTIONS TO THE GUARDIAN ANGELS FOR OUR CITY, PARISH, AND HERETICS, AND INFIDELS Taken from Devotions to the Holy Angels, Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur, 1948 The Angels of our City and Kingdom THAT God has appointed certain Angels to watch over and defend Kingdoms and Provinces, we are assured of in the Book of Genesis. Towns and Cities too have their respective Angels. We ought often and earnestly recommend these places to their guardian care, and beg, while we thank them for past protection, so that they would arrest by their prayers the torrent of vice and immorality, which so loudly demands vengeance. Practice---Say the Rosary in honour of these Angels. Aspiration---In sight of Thy Angels, O Lord! will I sanctify Thy name. The Angels of our Parish INVOKE the Angels of your parish, that they may avert from it the wrath of the Most High, excited by the continual offences committed against Him. Father Le Fevre, first companion of St. Ignatius, used to invoke the Angels of the different places in which he preached, that they might dispose the people to profit by his sermons, etc. Practice---Say the Litany of the Angels, for the reign of God in your parish. Aspiration---O Holy Angels! preserve us from all evil especially that of sin. The Angels of Heretics and Infidels SPEND this day in making reparation to the Angels for the ill return made for all their cares by Heretics and Infidels. The former blaspheme against them, whilst the latter are in total ignorance or disbelief of them. Practice---Interiorly salute the Angels of all whom you meet. Aspiration---May every creature praise the Angels. ![]() ![]() HOME---------------------E-MAIL www.catholictradition.org/Angels/guardians6.htm |