Saint Gall

October 16

Our Saint is portrayed with the Madonna and Child, above left, front; next to him is St. John the Baptist; on the right are St. James the Greater and St. Bartholomew.

c. 635

 Born in Ireland, he studied at Bangor under SS. Comgall and Columban, became versed in Scripture, and was ordained. Gall was one of the twelve who accompanied Columban to Gaul and was with him at Annegray and Luxeuil. He followed Columban into exile in 610 and then to Austrasia, where they preached with little success in the region around Lake Zurich, and for two years in the area near Bregenz. When Columban went to Italy in 612, Gall remained behind because of ill health and on his recovery became a hermit on the Steinach River, attracting numerous disciples. In time, St. Gall Monastery occupied this site and during the Middle Ages was a leading center of literature, the arts, and music. He was twice offered bishoprics by King Sigebert, whose betrothed he had freed of a demon. He is also reported to have been offered the abbacy of Luxeuil on the death of St. Eustace but declined, to remain a hermit. He died sometime between 627 and 645 at Arbon, Switzerland, and is considered the apostle of that country.

He is depicted as a Bishop in honor of his being considered to be a prelate even though he declined and because of his apostolic zeal.

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