Fifth Joyful Mystery:
The Finding of the Child Jesus
When Jesus was twelve years old, He accompanied His parents to
Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. On their way home later, they
realized that the Boy Jesus had remained in Jerusalem. Evening had
already come. Our Lady and St. Joseph were very worried. They looked
for Him everywhere. It was only after three days that they found Him in
the Temple of Jerusalem. He was sitting in the midst of the Doctors,
listening to them and asking them questions. His Mother said to Him:
"Son, why hast Thou treated us so?" And He answered: "How is it that
thou has sought Me? Did thou not knowest that I must be about My
Father's business?"
Consider the racking sorrow of Our Lady and St. Joseph when they became
aware of the absence of Jesus, though by no fault of theirs. Consider
how they allowed themselves no rest until they had found Him again.
Learn from their example what a terrible thing it is to lose Jesus. We
lose Jesus through our own fault when we separate ourselves from Him by
mortal sin. If we lose Jesus, we lose all, and can never be happy
without Him. Firmly resolve to suffer anything even death itself,
rather than expose yourself to such a loss. If this misfortune happens,
we must seek Jesus with sorrow and tears of penance, and find Him again
in the Temple (His Holy Catholic Church) by a good Confession!