The Necessity of the Blessed Virgin and of Devotion to Her: Part One
by St. Louis de Montfort

Taken from the Catholic Classic, TRUE DEVOTION TO MARY
with Imprimi Potest, Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur, 1949


I. Mary Is Queen of All Hearts

37. We may evidently conclude, then, from what I have said, first of all, that Mary has received from God a great domination over the souls of the elect; for she cannot make her residence in them as God the Father ordered her to do, and as their mother, form, nourish and bring them forth to eternal life, and have them as her inheritance and portion, form them in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ in them, and strike the roots of her virtues in their hearts and be the inseparable companion of the Holy Ghost in all His works of grace-----she cannot, I say, do all these things unless she has a right and a domination over their souls by a singular grace of the Most High, Who, having given her power over His only and natural Son, has given it also to her over His adopted children, not only as to their bodies, which would be but a small matter, but also as to their souls.

38. Mary is the Queen of Heaven and earth by grace, as Jesus is the King of them by nature and by conquest. Now, as the kingdom of Jesus Christ consists principally in the heart or the interior of man-----according to the words, "The kingdom of God is within you" [Luke 17:21]-----in like manner the kingdom of our Blessed Lady is principally in the interior of man; that is to say, his soul. And it is principally in souls that she is more glorified with her Son than in all visible creatures, and so we can call her, as the Saints do, the Queen of All Hearts.

II. Mary Is Necessary to Men

39. In the second place we must conclude that, the most holy Virgin being necessary to God by a necessity which we call "hypothetical," in consequence of His will, she is far more necessary to men, in order that they may attain their last end. We must not confuse devotion to the Blessed Virgin with devotions to the other Saints, as if devotion to her were not far more necessary than devotion to them, and as if devotion to her were a matter of supererogation.

§ 1. Necessary to all men to attain salvation.

40. The learned and pious Jesuit, Suarez, the erudite and devout Justus Lipsius, doctor of Louvain, and many others have proved invincibly, from the sentiments of the Fathers [among others, St. Augustine, St. Ephrem, deacon of Edessa, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. Germanus of Constantinople, St. John Damascene, St. Anselm, St. Bernard, St. Bernardine, St. Thomas and St. Bonaventure], that devotion to our Blessed Lady is necessary to salvation, and . . . that it is an infallible mark of reprobation to have no esteem and love for the holy Virgin; while on the other hand, it is an infallible mark of predestination to be entirely and truly devoted to her.

[In his classic work entitled THE GLORIES OF MARY, the great Doctor of the Church, St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787) states that "the intercession of Mary is even necessary to salvation; we say necessary-----not absolutely, but morally. This necessity proceeds from the will of God, that all graces He dispenses should pass by the hands of Mary, according to the opinion of St. Bernard, and which we may now with safety call the general opinion of theologians and learned men." (p. 129, TAN edition) St. Alphonsus quotes St. Bernardine of Siena's words to the Blessed Virgin Mary: "O Lady, since thou art the dispenser of graces, and since the grace of salvation can only come through thy hands, our salvation depends on thee." (p. 144)]

41. The figures and words of the Old and New Testaments prove this. The sentiments and the examples of the Saints confirm it. Reason and experience teach and demonstrate it. Even the devil and his crew, constrained by the force of truth, have often been obliged to avow it in spite of themselves. Among all the passages of the holy Fathers and Doctors, of which I have made an ample collection in order to prove this truth, I shall for brevity's sake quote but one: "To be devout to thee, O holy Virgin," says St. John Damascene, "is an arm of salvation which God gives to those whom He wishes to save."

42. I could bring forward here many anecdotes which prove the same thing, and among others one which is related in the chronicles of St. Francis. This same Saint saw in an ecstasy a great ladder ascending into Heaven, at the top of which stood the Blessed Virgin and by which it was shown him he must ascend to reach Heaven. There is another related in the chronicles of St. Dominic. There was an unfortunate heretic near Carcassonne, where St. Dominic was preaching the Rosary, who was possessed by a legion of fifteen thousand devils. These evil spirits were compelled, to their confusion, by the command of our Blessed Lady, to avow many great and consoling truths touching devotion to the Blessed Virgin; and they did this with so much force and so much clearness that it is impossible to read this authentic account and the eulogy which the devil made, in spite of himself, of devotion to the most holy Virgin Mary, without shedding tears of joy, however lukewarm we may be in our devotion to her.

§ 2. Still more necessary to those called to a special perfection.

43. If devotion the the most holy Virgin Mary is necessary to all men simply for working out their salvation, it is still more for those who are called to any special perfection; and I do not think anyone can acquire an intimate union with Our Lord and a perfect fidelity to the Holy Ghost without a very great union with the most holy Virgin, and a great dependence on her assistance.

44. It is Mary alone who has found grace before God [Luke 1: 30] without the aid of any mere creature; it is only through her that all those who have since found grace before God have found it at all; and it is only through her that all those who shall come afterward shall find it. She was full of grace when she was greeted by the Archangel Gabriel [Luke 1:28], and she was superabundantly filled with grace by the Holy Ghost when He covered her with His unspeakable shadow [Luke 1:35]; and she has so augmented this double plenitude from day to day and from moment to moment that she has reached a point of grace immense and inconceivable-----in such wise that the Most High has made her the sole treasurer of His treasures and the sole dispenser of His graces to ennoble, to exalt and to enrich whom she wishes; to give entry to whom she wills into the narrow way of Heaven; to bring whom she wills, and in spite of obstacles, through the narrow gate of life; and to give the throne, the scepter and the crown of the king to whom she wills. Jesus is everywhere and always the Fruit and Son of Mary; and Mary is everywhere the veritable tree who bears the Fruit of life, and the true Mother who produces it.

45. It is Mary alone to whom God has given the keys of the cellars [Cant. 1:3] of Divine love and the power to enter into the most sublime and secret ways of perfection, and the power likewise to make others enter in there also. It is Mary alone who has given to the miserable children of Eve, the faithless, entry into the terrestrial paradise; that they may walk there agreeably with God, hide there securely against their enemies, feed themselves there deliciously, without further fear of death, on the fruit of the trees of life and of the knowledge of good and evil, and drink long draughts the heavenly waters of that fair fountain which gushes forth there with abundance; or rather, since she is herself that terrestrial paradise, that virgin and blessed earth from which Adam and Eve, the sinners, have been driven, she gives no entry there except to those whom it is her pleasure to make Saints.

46. All the rich among the people, to make use of an expression of the Holy ghost [Ps. 44:13] according to the explanation of St. Bernard-----all the rich among the people shall supplicate her face from age to age, and particularly at the end of the world; that is to say, the greatest Saints, the souls richest in graces and virtues, shall be the most assiduous in praying to our Blessed Lady, and in having her always present as their perfect model for imitation and their powerful aid for help.

§ 3. Especially necessary to the great Saints of the latter times.

47. I have said that this would come to pass, particularly at the end of the world and indeed presently [That is, St. de Montfort may have meant that this would begin soon, and the century following his saw a greta incease in Marian devotion.], because the Most high with his holy Mother has to form for Himself great saints who shall surpas most of the other Saints in sanctity as much as the cedars of Lebanon outgrow the little shrubs, as has been revealed to a holy soul whose life has been written by M. de Renty.

48. These great souls, full of grace and zeal, shall be chosen to match themselves against the enemies of God, who shall rage on all sides; and they shall be singularly devout to our Blessed Lady, illuminated by her light, strengthened with her nourishment, led by her spirit, supported by her arm and sheltered under her protection, so that they shall fight with one hand and build with the other. With the one hand they shall fight, overthrow and crush the heretics with their heresies, the schismatics with their schisms, the idolaters with their idolatries and the siners with their impieties. With the other hand they shall build [Esd. 4:7] the temple of the true Solomon and the mystical city of God, that is to say, the most holy Virgin, called by the Fathers the "Temple of Solomon" and the "City of God". By their words and their examples they shall draw the whole world to true devotion to Mary. This shall bring upon them many enemies, but shall also bring many victories and much glory for God alone. This is what God revealed to St. Vincent Ferrer, the great apostle of his age, as he has sufficiently noted in one of his works.

This is what the Holy Ghost seems to have prophesied in the Fifty-eighth Psalm: "And they shall know that God will rule Jacob and all the ends of the earth; they sall return at evening and shall suffer hunger like dogs and shall go round about the city." [14-15] This city which men shall find at the end of the world to convert themselves in, and to sarisfy the hunger they have for justice, is the most holy Virgin, who is called by the Holy Ghost the "City of God". [Ps. 86:3]



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