to Salvation and Why Catholics Practice Devotion to Her

Contents: Updated April, 2010

Dedication Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Prayer of St. Aloysius Gonzaga to The Blessed Virgin Mary

Part 1: Why Catholics Practice Devotion to Our Lady
  The Testimony of Scripture and Various Orations and Tracts in The Roman Missal:

Genesis 3:15
Because "All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed"
Because "He Was Subject to Them [Her]"
Judith 13

Feast of the Annunciation, March 25
Our Lady of Good Counsel, April 26
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 8
Our Lady of Ransom, September 24
Feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, October 11
Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8
The Book of Revelation, Chapter 12

Part 2: Our Lady of Fatima

Mary Vanquishes Heresies
Is Sent by God As A Last Resort Before Chastisement
Christ Wills This Devotion

Part 3: She Obtains Conversions
and is the Mother of All Men
Related Pages not in this Directory:

Reflections: The Story of Alphonse Ratisbonne
Why Catholics Pray to Mary

Part 4: Excerpts from THE MOTHER OF THE SAVIOR by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.

Mary's Plenitude of Grace
The Consequence of Mary's Plenitude of Grace
Mary and the Distribution of Grace
The Universality of Her Mediation, Section 1
The Universality of Her Mediation, Section 2
The Universality of Her Mediation, Section 3
The Mother of Mercy
Her Queenship, Part 1
Her Queenship, Part 2


Part 5: Encyclicals and Hymns

Encyclicals: Click HERE.


Hail, Thou Star of Ocean: Words Only
Mary, Dearest Mother: Words Only
O Mary, My Mother So Tender: Words Only
Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary: Words and Sheet Music

Thou Hast Many Portraits: Words and Midi
Mother of Mercy: Words and Sheet Music

Immaculate Mary: Words and Midi

I'll Sing A Hymn To Mary: Music, Words and Midi
Hail, Virgin, Dearest Mary: Words and Midi
Maiden Mother, Meek and Mild: Words and Midi
Hail, Virgin of Virgins: Words and Midi

Bring Flowers of the Rarest: Words, Sheet Music, Midi
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother: Words, Sheet Music, Midi
Rose of the Cross: Words, Sheet Music, Midi

The Madonna's Lullaby: Words Only

Queen of the Holy Rosary: Sheet Music and Midi
The True Devotee of Mary, St. Louis de Montfort, Words Only

From Mary's Main Directory:

Hail, Holy Queen: Words, Sheet Music, Midi

Mothers' Day:

Reflections on Mothers by a Visitor
Mother of Mercy Poem by Pauly Fongemie


Part 6:

Sacred Images


Part 7:  St. Alphonsus Liguori Excerpts, Prayers and Other

Mary, Our Life and Sweetness Part 1 by St. Alphonsus Liguori
 Mary, Our Life and Sweetness Part 2 by St. Alphonsus Liguori
Mary, Our Life and Sweetness Part 3 by St. Alphonsus Liguori

St. Alphonsus Liguori Prayers to Our Lady:
Prayer of Hope
Prayer of Confidence
Prayer of Refuge
A Sinner's Prayer
Prayer for Past Ingratitude
Prayer to the Mother of Mercy

Ven. Pope Pius XII's Queenship Prayer

Mary Queen Image


Part 8: Mary Our Mother

Mary Our Mother, Fr. John Henaghan
The Purpose of the Compassion of Mary, Fr. Frederick Faber

Part 9: Excerpts from TRUE DEVOTION TO MARY by St. Louis de Montfort

Preliminary Remarks
The Necessity of the Blessed Virgin and True Devotion to Her Section 1
The Necessity of the Blessed Virgin and True Devotion to Her Section 2
The Necessity of the Blessed Virgin and True Devotion to Her Section 3
Providential Function of Mary in Latter Times
Jesus Christ is the End of Devotion to Mary

Part 10: Excerpts from THE APOSTOLIC DIGEST on the Necessity of Devotion to Mary

Collection of Excerpts One
Collection of Excerpts Two
Collection of Excerpts Three
Collection of Excerpts Four

Related Page not in this Directory:

The Glories of Mary, Part 5



Why an Explanation of the Necessity of Mary

Catholic Tradition receives anti-Mary mail on a regular basis that falls into three categories:

1. The insincere letter from an unapologetic Protestant who is not seriously seeking to understand our devotion to Mary, but is using the pretext of visiting this website in order to evangelize for his point of view and to condemn Catholic piety. The words employed to castigate us are very nasty, accusatory and filled with anger. A sincere person may be confused, even upset about Marian devotion, but he would choose to phrase his thoughts in a more elegant manner that welcomes a response, even if he is not necessarily prepared to accept the answer or the reasons. His sincereity would show forth, it always does. Sarcasm, invective and worse are not the marks of a sincere person seeking to understand; they may be the sign of a person who is truly angry and wants to vent that emotion, which is understandable, but that is all it is.  In all three cases I cannot help but think that the people do not know what grave offense they give to the Mother of God, for if they did, they would not write what they do. I know it is profound misunderstanding, Protestant training, and poor catechesis, among other contributions to their hardened and or irreverent attitudes. They are to be prayed for, not condemned as individuals, although their words are sometimes contemptible. I ask God to be merciful to them as they truly do not know and they do not know that they do not know.

2. The honest letter from a fellow Catholic who does not understand the necessity of devotion to Our Lady, although he recognizes that it is within Catholic Tradition, but views it as nice, yet hardly important enough to vest so much web space to the Mother of God.

3. The blasphemous, profane letter, sent for shock and to hurt, the worst possible kind of mail any Web Master can receive. We would rather get a thousand e-mails directed at us personally, no matter how awfully insulting, than one that is meant to demean Our Lord by insulting His holy Mother. Whenever we receive one of these, it is so heart-breaking that I just break down altogether and cry and cry. There is no reparation a sinner such as myself could offer up that could even begin to make amends to Our Lady, the Queen of Angels and men, the Queen of Heaven and earth. None. Conscious of my own failings and sins I feel utterly incapable of any atonement worthy of the name, and yet I know it is my duty, and the natural inclination of my woman's heart to try to do so.

Just putting together this web site is a continual act of reparation, if you will, and an act of humility because Our Lady deserves only the best and I am just a nobody, a sinner, and certainly not a trained theologian, and the very thought that of this causes me great grief. All I have to give our wondrous Queen is my poor little heart and a strong, determination, that I will at least try to come to her defense, and I ask her to forgive me for being so imperfect and unworthy to be her champion. And yet, I feel compelled onward.

This directory is my way of explaining the traditional Catholic's natural love of Mary, who is our necessity, and our gratitude that she is our Mother, too, and to render thanksgiving to God for His masterpiece, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the great Mother of God and the Mother of Mercy.



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