On the occasion of so much ballyhoo heralding its "benefits" on
the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council,
Catholic Tradition is presenting these pages of various quotes from
Michael Davies' monumental work, POPE JOHN'S COUNCIL, Vol.
Two of Liturgical Revolution,
Angelus Press, 1977. For those of you who may be inclined to presume
that Vatican II is all that it is purported to be you may have second
thoughts. Remember, it was not a doctrinal council, but a pastoral one,
the only such ecumenical council in the history of the Church. Faithful
to Tradition as all Catholics are bound to be in conscience and in
practice, in accord with the Apostolic mandate, we are to reject all
novelty that countermands that Sacred Tradition. Those portions of the
Council documents that cite from doctrinal councils that preceded it are to be accepted in faith. Please
note, that unless a portion in bold type is referenced as the usage of
the author, the emphasis is added by this Web Master.
This project is now completed.
the Author's Introduction
From Pope John
Is Inspired
From The Church
Before The Council
From Blitzkrieg
From Mopping Up
From Liberal
Shock Troops
From Time Bombs
From The
From The
Background To Protestantism
From Protestant
From Mother Of
The Church
From Left
From Pernicious
From The Enigma
Of Pope Paul
From The Status
Of The Documents
From Planting
The Time Bombs
From Unearthing
The Time Bombs
From Counting
The Cost
From Appendix
IV: Liberal Mythology
Appendix VI: Salleron on Maritain
From Appendix
VII: The Anti-liturgical
Appendix VIII: The Fruits Of Vatican II
From the Author's Introduction:
The most significant event relating to Vatican II since this book was
first published in 1977 was the convocation by Pope John Paul II of an
extraordinary synod of bishops in Rome in November 1985, to assess the
impact of the Council upon the life of the Church. National hierarchies
submitted reports upon the effectiveness of the conciliar reforms in
their own countries.
Where English-speaking hierarchies were concerned, the result was as
predictable as that of an election in the Soviet Union. The submission
of the English bishops was possibly the most fatuous, but only
marginally more inane than that of the hierarchy of the United States.
It was claimed that we are in the midst of a second Pentecost of such
magnitude that the first was a non-event in comparison. Everyone
everywhere is engaged in incessant dialogue and ceaseless renewal. The
only blot upon the idyllic post-conciliar landscape is the presence of
Catholics expressing "an extreme minority view." These Catholics, whose
crime is fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church and her most
venerable traditions, are denounced by the English bishops for
manifesting "a lack of tolerance and a certain new fundamentalism."
Sadly, the Extraordinary Synod itself endorsed this attitude of fatuous
optimism. A God-given opportunity to face up to the facts of the
post-conciliar debacle and initiate a return to Tradition was rejected.
In its final report the Fathers of the Synod proclaimed:
The reason for the summoning of this
synod was to celebrate, reaffirm the meaning, and carry forward the
work of the Second Vatican Council. We are grateful to see that, with
God's help, we have achieved these aims. We have celebrated Vatican II
wholeheartedly together, as a
grace of God and gift of the Holy Spirit, from which many spiritual
benefits have issued for the universal Church, for particular Churches,
and for the people of our time. In the same mind and with joy we have affirmed the
meaning of Vatican II as a lawful and valid expression of the deposit
of faith contained in sacred Scripture and in the living tradition of
the Church. For this reason we
decided to go forward on the same path that the Council pointed out. (Author's emphasis.)
One can only remark that this is precisely the reaffirmation one might
expect from a synod of lemmings determined to go forward on the same
path to self-destruction taken by their predecessors twenty years
previously. A far more realistic assessment of the post-conciliar
epoch, and one which coincides exactly with that expressed in this book
when it was first published, was expressed by Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith, and published in the English edition of L 'Osservatore Romano on 24
December 1984:
Certainly the results [of Vatican II]
seem cruelly opposed to the expectations of everyone, beginning with
those of Pope John XXIII and then of Pope Paul VI: expected was a new
Catholic unity and instead we have been exposed to dissension which, to
use the words of Pope Paul VI, seems to have gone from self-criticism
to self-destruction. Expected was a new enthusiasm, and many wound up
discouraged and bored. Expected was a great step forward, and instead
we find ourselves faced with a progressive process of decadence which
has developed for the most part precisely under the sign of a calling
back to the Council, and has therefore contributed to discrediting it
for many. The net result therefore seems negative. I am repeating here
what I said ten years after the conclusion of the work: it is
incontrovertible that this period has definitely been unfavorable for
the Catholic Church. (Author's
Cardinal Ratzinger's realistic assessment of post-conciliar Catholicism
won him no friends within the Catholic media. In an editorial comment
on the English bishops' submission, The
Tablet was able to gloat over the fact that: "There is no
reflection here of the views of Cardinal Ratzinger. On the contrary,
his gloomy assessment of the state of the Church today, leading him to
deplore the record of the last twenty years, and to call for a
'restoration,' is often explicitly opposed" (3 August 1985). The Tablet had already attacked
Cardinal Ratzinger for his "pessimism" in its 13 July issue, and, by an
interesting coincidence, the 3 August issue, praising the English
bishops' submission, also included a letter to the editor from B.A.
Santamaria, undoubtedly the greatest Australian layman of this century.
Mr. Santamaria's letter was a response to the 13 July attack on
Cardinal Ratzinger. He pointed out that since the Second Vatican
Council, in France, Italy and Holland, over 80% of Catholics do not
practice their faith. In his own country of Australia, Mass attendance
has plummeted from 53% in 1960 to 25% in 1985. Mr. Santamaria
If we project these figures into the
future, short of a religious miracle, what figures are we seriously
entitled to expect ten years from now? Facts cannot be "optimistic" or
"pessimistic." Facts can only be true or false. If these facts are
false, let them be shown to be so. If they are true let us not conclude
our assessment with the monumental absurdity that, in proportion as
Catholics vote with their feet and empty once-full churches, the Holy
Ghost is "renewing" what is visibly ceasing to exist.
An argument which has been used frequently by proponents of the
post-conciliar reforms is post hoc
non ergo propter hoc, i.e., because the decline has followed the
Council it is not necessarily a result of the Council. What these
people fail to face up to is the fact that the reforms allegedly
implementing the Council were intended to initiate a renewal, and a
renewal must necessarily involve expansion and not decline. What would
these people have replied had their reforms resulted, for example, in a
massive increase in Mass attendance, and Catholics who did not like the
liturgical changes had replied: "Post
hoc non ergo propter hoc?"
There is a respect in which the Church can be compared to any great
manufacturing company, and I hope that making this comparison will not
appear too irreverent. The object of any manufacturer is to persuade
the public to buy its product in preference to that of its competitors.
Let us imagine that the chief executives of, say, the Ford Motor
Company decided to give the company and its products a totally new
image. In order to achieve this they made radical alterations in the
appearance of Ford cars, threw out all their tried and tested marketing
methods, and promoted their restyled vehicles in a completely new
manner. Imagine then, that sales plummeted, and not only did they win
practically no new customers, but lost a huge proportion of their
established clients, in some countries as many as eighty percent. It
would be an understatement to claim that these executive officers would
have lacked credibility had they denied any connection between their
new marketing policies and the collapse of their company. Imagine the
reaction had the same executives not only tried to exculpate their new
policies from any responsibility for the collapse, but denied that any
collapse had taken place, despite the fact that in country after
country Ford factories were closing down, and that sales were at the
lowest level ever. Let us go one step further and image that they
refused to abandon the disastrous policies they had adopted, and return
to their traditional methods, but intended "to go forward on the same
path" that had led to the self-destruction of Ford Motor Company. One
can only conclude that under such circumstances their next
shareholders' meeting would be somewhat stormy.
No, Mr. Santamaria is correct. It is a monumental absurdity to claim
that as once full churches empty, "the Holy Ghost is 'renewing' what is
visibly ceasing to exist."
Father Kenneth Baker, Editor of Homiletic
and Pastoral Review, has gone as far as to claim that the
"product" marketed by the "executives" of the Catholic Church in the
United States is no longer the "product" marketed before Vatican II. In
the editorial to his January 1983 edition he wrote: "We are witnessing
the rejection of the hierarchical Church founded by Jesus Christ to be
replaced by a Protestant American Church separated from Rome." This
judgment is radical and severe, but it is one which faithful Catholics
throughout the West would apply to what is taking place in their own
One of the most significant comments upon the fruits of Vatican II
appeared in the 10 October 1982 issue of the National Catholic Register, which
was dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Council, which had
opened formally on 11 October 1962. The article was written by Michael
Novak, who is mentioned several times in this book, and was, at the
time of the Council, an ultra-liberal. He now appears to have undergone
a conversion to moderate conservatism, and is something of a scourge of
the American bishops. Novak recollected his euphoria at the opening of
the Council, and his conviction that the world would forevermore be
different - and better. "Is it only that I am now older? For my
thoughts about the Church today are not of growth but of decline; not
of more intense orthodoxy, but of growing dissension and deliberate
heterodoxy; not of more devout moral living, but of growing slackness
and surrender to the world on the world's own terms. Vatican II was
supposed to renew the Church. At least in some measure, it seems to
have diluted, divided and weakened it."
In the March 1985 issue of his journal, Christian Order, Father Paul Crane,
S.J., spelled out precisely what is taking place in the post-conciliar
Church: "What confronts the Church today is a new body of belief and
moral practice, propagated from within the Church itself by those who
call themselves Catholics. In fact, a new religion. A new faith, not in
God primarily, but in man. Man-centered rather than God-serving." The
June 1986 issue of the Homiletic and Pastoral Review included an
article by Cardinal Ratzinger in which he deplored the emergence of a
new concept of the People of God in which "God" means only the people
themselves, and in the liturgy the people celebrate only themselves.
Lest any reader should feel despondent after reading this book, it is
worth recalling that we have Our Lord's promise that His Church will
endure until He comes again in precisely the manner He constituted it,
as a visible hierarchically-governed body founded upon the Rock of
Peter. The Church founded by Our Lord cannot fail. It is indefectible.
The gates of hell will never prevail against it, even though violent
storms may seem to submerge it for a time, and Peter himself may appear
to waver. The Church may be reduced in size and influence. Whole
countries may fall away from the Faith and never return, as has
happened in the past, but the Church itself will and must continue to
stand until the end of time, ad finem
saeculorum usque firma stabit, to quote the comforting words of
the First Vatican Council in its Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus. The duty of
faithful Catholics in these times is to avoid despair, and at all costs
to remain within the barque of Peter. Pope Leo XIII warned us in his
encyclical Satis cognitum
The Church of Christ, therefore, is
one and the same forever: those who leave it depart from the will and
the command of Christ, the Lord. Leaving the path of salvation they
enter on the path of perdition.
To conclude on a note of hope, Our Lady of Fatima has promised that in
the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph. More than ever, here in this
valley of tears, we must make her our most gracious advocate, and the
advocate of the Church of which she is the Mother.
Michael Davies
18 February 1987
Feast of St. Bernadette
---------------------- TRADITION