by Pauly Fongemie
April 9, PM
The debate on the clash between religious liberty and so-called
rights of "gays" rages on with an intensity that is growing and the
more it does, the more the heart of the matter is precluded from
consideration because it is deliberately rendered confusing so as to
not let the people know what is being planned in the full scale all-out
war against Christ and His adherents and just how quickly it will come
to pass. We are at the crescendo now.
But before I continue, I have two housekeeping items to dispatch: the
Catholic definition of freedom of religion and freedom of conscience
and the secular state's idea of it, which is essentially the Masonic
ideal. Unfortunately some are under the impression that in my previous
column I was trumping the state's version. Nothing could be further
from the truth, although the fault lies with my use of the current
lexicon. Both the traditional Popes and western culture use the same
terms, "freedom of conscience" and "religious liberty". Freedom of
conscience - that is freedom from coercion - is implied by definition
and by necessity of the meaning and context of the words themselves
that pertain to religious liberty in our Bill of Rights. This is
because as the First Amendment states, the people have the right to be
free from being prevented in practicing thereof, their religious
beliefs. The state supposedly [really a facade, now] recognizes all
religions as equal before the law.
This is not exactly what Catholics believe - that is, Catholics who
retain the faith of the Apostles, untainted. The Church does teach that
persons are not to be compelled to believe a particular creed. Freedom
of conscience is different in the Church. All persons are bound to know
God and His law, the requirements for salvation. Thus every person has
an absolute moral duty to form his conscience to the best of his
ability, given the amount of grace, actual and or sacramental, God
gives each one. This duty of a properly formed conscience at the very
least must entail the natural law, for those who are non-Catholics and
unschooled in religion. The natural law is knowable by reason for those
who seek to know it. For those who have knowledge of Christ, especially
Catholics, the Divine law must also pertain to that conscience. In this
sense, the Church teaches that no one has a right to dissent claiming
"freedom of conscience". The perennial, authentic, Traditional
Apostolic teaching about religion is that only the Catholic faith
saves, all graces to society and individuals comes through the Church,
even to those who may be in the state of grace outside of the Church -
when and if such a blessed state exists. Therefore, not all religions
are on a par, by definition. Everyone is obligated to know that the
Catholic Church is the sole Ark of Salvation founded by Christ, provided
that he is not invincibly ignorant, that is, through no fault of his
own - if and when, such a state of being exists. As Catholics religious
indifferentism - the equality of all creeds, in spite of the truth - is
not an article of our faith.
Unfortunately, the very air we breathe as Americans is Masonic in
spirit and in much practice - religious indifferentism, that focuses on
the here and now and the cult of Man, not the supernatural and
hereafter, the good of souls. This is why currently the state has no
trouble insisting it may interfere with genuine religious practices in
accord with the Divine and natural law, of which there is only one, not
several according to sects and creeds, no matter how sincere anyone
person may be. The state does not care about our souls. And while the
purview of the state is the natural law and the governance of society
for the good of man, ultimately that good must be to not interfere in
the work of salvation. The Church teaches that the state has a duty to
acknowledge the Social Kingship of Christ, Who is King of Heaven and
Earth, through Whom all authority and power arises. The United States
fails in this duty. For now we cannot do anything about this, except
work out our salvation "in fear and trembling" [Phil. 2:12].
And this, my dear friends, is what I meant when I proclaimed "freedom
of conscience" - the right to not have the state impose on me a
cooperation in the violation of the natural and Divine law. Period. My
freedom of conscience does not give me the right to dissent from this
unified law. It is only for me to claim that I am in accord with the
natural and Divine law. The state differs in that it says that man is
free to choose, especially if he violates the natural and Divine law in
those aspects that the state so chooses - i.e., abortion, deviant
sexual acts, and the like. For now the state wants it both ways, for us
to use our adherence in good and rightfully formed conscience to the
moral or natural and Divine law when it comes to some forms of
homicide, theft. etc. For now, the state does not exempt private
persons, apart from euthanasia and abortion, and from general theft,
while it commits all sorts of these crimes with virtual impunity. The
difference - subtle shading by definition which is a farce and a facade
of legitimacy.
Now we arrive at the turning point in our history as a nation. For
years I have maintained that the inexorable end of all this liberalism
would be the outright persecution and eventual Martyrdom of Christians,
and only Christians, by definition, because in essence, if the state is
indifferent to Christ, as He taught it is against Him by the very
nature of such an indifferentism itself, because by Divine intent the
state has the duty to recognize the Social Kingship of Christ and His
Divine and natural law.
Some of you told me and continue to do so, that I am overstating matters, that I am an alarmist and fear monger.
Oh, no, alas, my dear people, I know that Martyrdom is nigh upon us,
first the dry kind and eventually Martyrdom of blood. You see the New York Times,
this very week admitted what has always been the underlying, silent aim
of the elites who are materialists at heart and already members of the
One World Religion formed in the Masonic spirit, whether they are able to
recognize it or not, this is the reality. You see that paper of
national record came out with the intended goal - that Christians have
to be "forced" to accept sodomy as a right. For now what that
brutalization process will consist of is not forthcoming, but given the
proclivities of the lust of power combined with the hatred of Christ
and His law, we have some indications already.
Yes, I say Martyrdom, and I mean it as literally as it is possible to mean it.
Christians, gird yourselves for the fight of your life, it is here, it
is breathing down our very necks, it will be savage, if at first
seemingly subtle, a mere exhortation to compromise on that which can
never be if we are to save our immortal souls. And when I say here, I
mean in your lifetime and mine, and I am an old woman.
When it comes we must forgive those who persecute us thinking that they
are in the right, only because they have the power and the lack
scrupulosity which gives reign to use the means to attain their desired
ends and we must rejoice that we are not greater than our Master, but
His faithful servants.
If you are given to be dismissing of the coming cruelty, think for a
moment. If the almighty state can substitute itself for God, claiming
to know who is and is not a human person, can butcher millions upon
millions of tiny babies in the womb, celebrate debauchery and claim a
right to compel us to do so along with it, what won't it be willing
to justify? Any doubts still? We only have to look at that liberal thug
par excellence, former Senate
Majority leader, Harry Reid who admitted he lied boldly about Mitt
Romney on the floor of Congress and that he was morally justified
because it suited the ends! This is the operating principle of the
state unleashed by Satan and his minions because the state refuses to
acknowledge the Social Reign of Jesus Christ the King! Primarily through its rejection of the totality and oneness of the natural law!
In America, it is only one season now, Lent, and every day is Good Friday, one Station of the Cross at a time. ...