Gallery, Section Two:
Art, Architecture, and Artifacts
of the Vatican

Cross of Pope Leo XIII Sculpted Crown and Keys
St. Gregory Barbarigo, Cardinal Michelangelo's Pieta
Pope Pius XII's Coat of Arms Jubilee Clasp of Bl. Pius IX
Papal Monstrance The Pont Sant' Angelo
Fontana della Barcaccia
Cloister San Palo
Pope Gregory XIII Armorial Tiara of Pope Julius II
Vision of St. Francis Xavier Church of Santa Maria di Loreto
Madonna and Child by Sasoferrato St. John Nepomuk Madonna
Joesph with His Brothers
Madonna dei Battuti
Vatican Cross, St. Peter's
Cruciform Case of Paschal I
Relief: Magi Adoring Christ
Tempietto by Bramante
Bernini's Canopy: St. Peter's Bernini's Cathedra Petri
Tomb of Urban VII: Full View
Blessed Ludovica Albertoni
Bernini: Bl. Sacrament Altar
Polidori Chalice
19th Century Chasuble
Ecstasy of St. Teresa Avila
Angel with Crown of Thorns
Romans & Saint Gregory the Great
Virgin and Child and Saints
Miracle of Saint Turibius
Barberini Tapestry The Stoning of Saint Stephen
The Vision of Saint Helena
Christ the Judge
The Procession of Saint Gregory the Great Madonna and Child
Vatican Library Mosaic of Christ with Sts. Peter and Paul
The Prophet Ezechial
The Prophet Isaias
Madonna del Parto
The Martyrdom of St. Matthew
Villa Farnesina
St. Robert Bellarmine
Palazzo Doria Courtyard Noble Stairway, Vatican Sacristy
Virgin and Child St. Bernard
A Hermit Saint
Church of Santi Luca e Martina
St. Aloysius Gonzaga with the Virgin
The Martyrdom of St. Peter of Arbues

Bonus Image: The Tiara of Bl. Pius IX

Bonus Image: Papal Emblem, Lateran Bapistry
Bonus Image: Tiara of Pope Benedict XVI
Bonus Image: Graphic of Christ the King with Quas Primas Text
Bonus Image: Dome of St. Peter's Aerial View
Bonus Image: Dome of St. Peter's, Rear Facade
Bonus Image: Santa Croce
Bonus Image: Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of Adam

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